So Padon, at his first birthday, started rubbing his eyes and nose, and snorting through his nose like it really itched after attempting to eat one pancake with chocolate chips in it and in the end turned down the pancake when he is capable of eatting at least two. I thought it was odd but wasn't sure if it was the chocolate chips.
But then he had two maybe three oreo cookies on Saturday and accompanied with the I-had-way-too-much-fruit diarreah he broke out in the worst diaper rash I have ever seen. It was like it was a contact reaction. He was bright red everwhere his diaper touched and woke up early Sunday morning crying really hard and saying "Ow-eeeee, Oweeeee!!!!" Where the poop was stuck to his skin his skin was raw and bleeding underneath. So we plopped in him the bathtub where the water could soak off the poop and we wouldn't have to wipe his raw skin. It was truly amazing.
So I looked up Allergies to Chocolate and it was so not helpful. Chocolate isn't just coco but milk, nuts, wheat and gluten, soy, corn, caffeine, and sometimes berries. Argh! At least he has been eatting solid foods long enough that I feel pretty confident in not including milk, wheat and gluten, corn, and berries, in potential allergies for him. I'm pretty sure it isn't nuts because I have never noticed any adverse reactions to peanut butter sandwiches but I'm not sure he has ever had soy and he has never had caffine.
Supposedly having an allergic reaction to chocolate is relatively rare. It would be interesting to give him a small dose and see if we go through the whole process again. I'm guessing that is what the pediatrican is going to recommend. What can she do but recommend we watch his diet closely or recommend we take him for food allergy testing (I cringe for him). But Chocolate? How sad. What are we going to do on cold winter nights after playing in the snow? Tang I guess. Ummmm hot Tang, that was always good...
Maybe try chocolate syrup and see what that does?
That would be pretty sad. But at least it's not wheat or gluten because that would make things tough.
:( Poor baby.
Wow! Wow! I can't believe this. I would be so upset if Greg had a bleeding diaper rash. How terrible. And chocolate? That is crazy? Not fruit juice? But Chocolate? I have never heard of that. And I thought that nuts inspired respiratory issues, not contact skin issues.
Do NOT give him tang you horrible horrible woman! That stuff is rancid and terrible!!!
There are two types of nut allergies - peanuts and tree nuts. He could be allergic to one and not the other.
Sure sounds like a food allergy to me.
A simple test - take some chocolate and rub it on his skin. But make sure you have some benadryl with you when you do.
That's a great idea. I didn't think to also rub it on his skin. Although, you know, I gave him chocolate covered pop-corn and I don't remember any huge reaction. I may have just debunked my whole theory. But I'll try it anyway. It would be good to know.
definitely sounds like an allergy. There are a lot of things they can be allergic to. If he is being exposed to an allergen, he may show a big reaction to something different, oddly enough. For example, if he is allergic to oranges, and you give him a bunch - with no reaction. Then, later in the day you give him chocolate that perhaps he has a mild allergy to, his body may make its big reaction to the chocolate.
Welcome to the fun fun world of food allergies.
Solidarity my Tang Sisters. Unit! I had some warm out of a mug just yesterday.
I keep a box of Tang in my desk drawer at work and like to gross out my coworkers by drinking it nice and hot. Yum!
I just barfed all over myself thinking about it. You guys disgust me.
Also, if worse comes to worse, and Padon is allergic to chocolate, Jason is reminding me that carob chips are a great alternative. They're really pretty tasty, and they're not harmful to dogs, so Roadie can have some, too!
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