September Crown was hot! Wonderful for me but miserable for most of the others in our encampment.
Walter still suited up to fight the Queen's Guards and came back shortly after, probably having gotten spanked on the back of the head by a heavy rattan sword in the first couple minutes. They are really, really good. But he looked really happy so I assume he must have gotten to hob nob with the knights and learn all kinds of cool trade secrets on how to fight. He was really tired from the heat and attempted to take long nap but about an hour into it was bothered by a fly that kept landing on him and Padon. It kept waking them both up and he was grumpy about it. Good food from a fabulously presented feast from our friend Raph, however, made him completely forget about it.
I think Roadie is getting tired of eventing and I am getting tired of eventing with her. She whined the whole time. Usually the answer to that is to put her in the tent by herself for a while but because there were flies and flying ants she would hop all over everything trying to eat them. The wind had loosened the ropes on our pavilion a little and so she quickly learned that a sharp enough tug would pop the pole and she could get her leash out from under it. Oh, that made me so frustrated. She took down our rain fly three times before Dalich thought to tie her to the tent stake instead of the pole. If it hadn't been for Padon I think I might have figured that out more quickly but I felt silly for not thinking of that earlier. Matthew (Ally's older brother) was a big help. While he aided Roadie a couple times in attempting to pop the tent pole he kept her occupied for hours at a time playing her favorite game; tug of war. I was so grateful for the whining to stop which to me sounds like fingers down the black board. Nothing would stop it even when we took her with us on a long walk around camp. It just kills me. I can't stop bragging about Padon's camping ability though. Again the only trouble we had was trying to feed him in the freezing morning air. On Monday morning he was so funny. I woke up to find he was soaked from shoulder blade to butt but he was hungry. So in an attempt to keep him warm beforeI changed his diaper I sat him on my lap on a cloth diaper and wrapped us both in my fleece cloak while I gave him a bottle. All fat and happy he tried to smile through his following diaper change only he was cold so he would smile and then pout and whimper, and then smile and then pout and whimper. You could tell he was listening to me as I talked to him and got him out of his wet clothes and into a dry diaper and warm PJ's.
Overall it was a great Labor Day weekend. It was relaxing (except for the dog) and warm and I got to snuggle on my little bean for hours and hours.
Next weekend Autumn War! And then a break for a couple weeks. What die hards!
Padon is getting so big! And I LOVE the picture of he and Walter asleep in the tent. It's fantastic! Definitely one to frame. I like them both having their arms up, and the black background is very dramatic. :D
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