Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fashion Thanks to Erin!!!

We really need to give a round of applause, a big thanks, and a huge hug to our very good friend Erin for giving Padon the coolest wardrobe ever. It is so much fun to pick out clothes for Padon because there are so many options to choose from. Where babies clothes (unless hunted down at garage sales) could really break the bank we have spent barely a cent yet have a very posh baby. I have never loved hand-me-downs so much!! Thank you to Erin and her friends that thought of us when they passed on their most loved and gently used items !

1 comment:

E said...

I adore seeing gorgeous little Padon in Ivor and Eliot's little clothes. It gives my heart a big tug to seet those clothes filled with another little baby I love.