Friday, February 25, 2011

Breaking Sophia's Stuff

Something that I didn't account for and I suppose I should have, being the oldest of 4, was that Padon might break Sophia's toys as well as his own. It bothers me enough that their toys aren't organized in toy specific bins for easy reference and playing but that Sophia might have a broken toy before she was old enough to play with it?! Padon at 4 is just now finally not putting everything under the sun in his mouth and isn't needing to take all things to their breaking limits. I completely understand that this a a subject of curiosity and rough housing, but in a house where most things come as gifts or well thought out planning and saving, it is totally unacceptable to me that Padon might break something based in the whimsical theory of "what it I...; I wonder what will happen if..." I have gotten to the point where I am okay with Padon breaking his own things after some good time of play but broken Sophia toys are for Sophia to do. I haven't been able to bend past this point yet. I don't think I should have to.

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