Again this year we went down to my Parent's house for Christmas Eve. I think this may be the last time for a bit, however, because Sophia wasn't keen at all about sleeping in a place that was not her bed and I got barely any sleep. We did pull out the Christmas
Pjs though and I was eager to get them on the kids, emphasising my Christmas socks and
PJs too (aren't we having fun?!). We started with Sophia and found, even though I had measured her shirt properly, that the neck hole that had buttons was still too small for her head. These
PJs had been a labor of love, however and I couldn't not have her wear her first pair of Christmas
Pjs and so we cut the collar of her neckline. I still gasp at the thought. Over her head the
PJ shirt went and the pants went on perfectly. So perfectly it was apparent that she probably was only going to be able to wear these
Pjs just this once. *Sigh* And even larger sigh *SIGH* was when I tried to put
Padon's PJs on him he
flatly refused to wear them. Both my parents thought I should force him to wear them but then the
PJ tradition would really only be only about be and what fun was that? I finally discovered that part of the problem was that
Padon still wanted to wear his T-shirt which brought us to a compromise that he could wear his t-shirt under his
PJ shirt. I still had to button the puppy pajamas as fast as I could and he still went and cried on the stairs leaving me wondering what kind of mommy role I really wanted to play tonight. My parents told
Padon how wonderful he looked and the
PJs really did fit him well. Playing with my Dad on the Hobby Horse seemed to tip the scales and
Padon was happy again and complacent about wearing the
PJs. We put
Padon and Sophia down on the floor in front of my Mom's tree for a memorable picture and then I was satisfied. *Sigh*
The next day the rest of the family came over and I tried my best to snap pictures of Sophia's first Christmas.
Padon who had waited so patiently to open presents for the last three days was beside himself. He was finally old enough to understand Christmas tradition, the gift of giving and receiving, and he was loving it!
My Aunt Janet, Uncle Tim, cousins Andy and Megan, and Andy's wife Annamaria came to visit and it was nice to see them and introduce them to
Padon, Greg and Sophia. Sophia who wasn't always inclined to relax with a stranger fell asleep on my Aunt Janet's lap which was so nice. I don't think that my Aunt Janet and I see eye to eye on most things and she had always made me feel a little like the black sheep in the family and so it was nice to have this nice and gentle bond between us; thanks to Sophia.
My friend Jen also got to join us for Christmas and that too was really nice. Jen's closest family lives in Colorado and it was a treat for her to spend Christmas with us. We had a great time, laughed
a lot, and her little girl, Mia, had a great time playing with Greg and Billy.
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