St. Patrick's Day was the first time we really pulled ourselves away from home with the tiny 2 1/2 month old Sophia and I was really looking forward to it. I have always really enjoyed St. Patrick's day as if it is a direct connection to my Irish lineage and it always just plainly makes me feel good. I talked Walter into putting on a green sweater and got out Padon's Leprechan outfit from the previous years
St. Patrick's Day Dash. Funny enough, this year, he took one look at the outfit and quickly was telling me no. Trying to be understanding and trying to release the strong want to have him looking freak'n adorable in his outfit I still tried to get him to be ok with wearing the jacket, shirt, pants, and socks. He took one look at the socks and said "no Mommy, Pia's socks. Pia's socks!" I thought it was so funny that he made the connection that colorful socks had to be Sophia's socks and damn'd if he'd let me put Sophia's socks on his feet. But after showing him pictures of himself in the
outfit the year before he was receptive to wearing it and I was elated! With Sophia in her little plaid dress with matching underpants, myself in my green tweed jacket, green T-shirt, and awesome arm warmers, and Walter in his green sweater we were an awesome Irish family and I was so excited! We were on our way to the St. Patrick's Day Parade to watch my Dad march with the Sounders' Sound Wave band and to strut our Irishness.

We met Jane and Jason at their place and carpooled down to Jane's work where we parked and then walked down to where the parade was starting. People thought Padon looked awesome and a few especially liked the bowtie.

We walked with the parade and the Soundwave for quite a while and finally stopped at Westlake Mall where we met Patrick and Catharine and discussed going to Red Robin on Lake Washington where the original location was closing down.
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