We, as a family, are a construction of what we feel it means to be a Warren. As we live out our daily existence we do so remembering those we have left behind, we are going to visit, and those we love. By answering in full, we are a Warren, we indicate the existence of a family lineage, one we have chosen to carry on in our son and daughter. It is our uniqueness and individual experience we look forward to sharing with you.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Power Pancakes
Padon expresses himself as an extremely sweet boy every now and then and sometimes it seems so heart gushingly cute that I don't want to forget. We went out for IHOP Pancakes yesterday morning and Padon, who loves pancakes, was really hungry and eager for them. He even declared he was "hungry for pancakes!" When we were seated Walter ordered Padon pancakes and when they arrived Padon was beside himself with the pancake goodness. So much so he offered to let me have a taste (I didn't ask because they had yogurt on them and I still am not eatting dairy products for Sophia), offered to let me use his fork thinking I didn't have one, and then said with a mouth full of pancake and strawberrys "thank you Daddy!" because it was Walter who had ordered the pancakes for him and made this wonderful moment possible. So cute!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Liv'n La Vida Mad Men

Walter and I didn't get to watch it until after we brought Sophia home but within a couple episodes we were hooked! Set in New York City, Mad Men takes place in the 1960s at an advertising agency on Madison Avenue. The show centers on Don Draper, a senior executive at the agency, and depicts the people in his life, in and out of the office. It is awesomely written and really, really addicting, eliciting a lot of out-loud gasps and 'No he didn't!"'s.
So a week ago Chris proposed that we go to the Tulalip Casino and have a Mad Men night. Walter and I really liked the idea of going for a Mad Men night but weren't looking forward to the gambling (just don't like throwing money away on that kind of venue). We started working out in our head what we would wear, and do to the coloring of our hair and skin tone I felt I most identified with Joan Holloway and Walter with Donald Draper. We act in real life nothing like what these characters act like in the show, it was just their appearance we thought we might be able to achieve. I purchased "Bumpits" (ha! yes, I did!) and styled my hair in as close to a Joan Holloway Bee Hive that I could get it, wore my closest cocktail style dress, wore a lovely shade of purple eyeshadow, dark brown eye liner and loaded up my eye lashes with mascara - making my blue eyes pop, and put on my redist of red lipstick and nail polish.

Walter pulled out his nicest suit, tried to find his most 60ish retro type tie, and attempted to gel his thick, short hair into a side part, Donald Draper style.

We didn't gamble, Chris and Heidi treated us to an amazing night, and Jane and Jason helped make it so by watching Sophia and Padon for us and agreeing to stay the night. I felt so self concious for leaving a 4 month old with Jane to potentially wake up with at 2am but Jane and Jason were confident and Sophia ended up sleeping through the night so it all worked out wonderfully. It was an amazing night and I'm so glad we were thought of and invited.
Zoo With Greg and Sarah
We had a nice time at the Zoo with Sarah and Greg - a great opportunity for Padon and Greg to get together in an environment that didn't elicite smacking and hitting to play. Padon reiterated in the car how he was not to hit or smack Greg and we emphasised how we thought that was a great idea.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
If You'd Just Let Me Eat Dinner On My Own!
Well this one night I was doing pretty well and shoveling in massive forkfuls of spaghetti, until I loaded the fork too much and got about 4 inches from my mouth when the whole forkful took a dive; a dive directly into Sophia's face. She didn't even cry, just looked shocked like, "what the?!" I was just glad the food wasn't hot. It made for a great picture!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Stumbled On This Picture
I know I took the picture but taking a picture of Padon has to be done at lightening speed. So I'm not sure when I took this picture only that when I uploaded it at work and saw it I laughed so hard I cried and was snorting and snuffling at my desk like an idiot trying to keep the laughing down.
Mother's Day!
My dream of having a do-nothing-but-sleep Mother's Day weekend (which had gotten me through many a long night with Sophia) was out the window now that I was on my own with Sophia and Padon but I still really looked forward to having a special weekend with them, relishing in the fact that I was a Mother to a couple really great kids.
Mother's Day is celebrated at the Woodland Park Zoo with a Mom and Me Day at the Zoo extravaganza and not only were there to be lots of things to do but the new Meerkat exhibit was opening up! So on Saturday I packed us a lunch, grabbed the double stroller and packed us all in the car, Padon very excited to be going to the zoo.
We got to the zoo in perfect timing for lunch and plunked ourselves down in front of a steel drum band playing great music. It was fun to look at all the families and kids running around, dancing, and enjoying themselves and I wished that Walter could have joined us too.
The weather was awesomly sunny too, warm, and gave me the perfect opportunity to put Sophia in a sun hat that my Grandmother had made for me. I totally had to take a picture to remember the moment and to have it to send it to my Grandmother so she could share in what felt to me to be a special moment.
After having lunch we started making our way around the zoo and saw what felt like just about every animal. We started with the Penguins where there is a large boat that the kids can play in and around. While there Padon sat himself down next to this little girl and totally siddled up next to her like, hey baby. It was super cute!
Through the crazy crowds we made out way over to the Meerkat exhibit where they had a faux meerkat den that Padon enjoyed playing in. But inside the building where the Meerkats were really located the crowd was immense and largely adults so there was no possible way a toddler could see hid nor hair of a Meerkat. So with Padon on my shoulders I wiggled the double stroller (with Sophia asleep in the infant car seat) through the back side of the crowd following behind an older couple with a walker. A we made our way past the window I asked Padon if he could see the Meerkats, partially standing on my tip toes to give him an even better advantage. He was now a good head to two heads taller then everyone else and he could see them (I was proudly thinking to myself how glad I was that Padon had a tall Mom). Anticlimatic they were really small, cat looking animals, huddled together in a Meerkat ball asleep. Much to my Mommy proudness, I totally got a "kudos" look from a Dad though as I walked by with my long stroller, infant car seat, full back pack, and 30lb toddler on my shoulders.
After running around what pretty much was the whole zoo, per what is circled on the map in the picture at the top of this post, we stopped at the play ground and topped off the day as a great one.
I almost got another awesome picture but lost my opportunity as I didn't grab my camera with Sophia and had to go back for in it in a second trip to the stroller which gave Padon enough time to realize what my goal was, start saying No, and threaten to cry if I didn't let him go. So imagine instead, Padon sitting in the seat of the Motorcycle, so cute because Sophia is in the side car. Aaaahhhhhhhh..... We left the zoo buying a plastic Meerkat to remember the day and I went home totally satisfied and feeling like this had been one of the best Mother's Days yet!
After breakfast we went home where I packed us up for a day at the Lake House. Something that both Padon and I were very excited for. Padon was super excited to give Greg his birthday present- a blue ball that Padon picked out all by himself, and to sing him Happy Birthday, and I was super excited to finally have the chance to give my Mom her birthday present - a pair of black mittens she had asked me to knit for her, and to give Sarah her birthday present - a lovely cocktail ring, and finally her Christmas present - a pin-up boy patterned cooking apron.
Still struggling with lactose intolerance I tried to get some delicious, yet cows milk free, icecream on the way down, thinking I had factored in enough time, and after having to make two unexpected stops to get the good stuff, and now grumpy that we were an hour late and unable to pass on the word because my cell battery was dead, we arrived at my parents.

Mini Me!
When Sophia was born I looked and looked at her but wasn't sure who she looked like and I looked for the similarities between her and Padon, not really seeing them jump out at me. It wasn't until Easter, and we stayed the night at my parent's house, that my Mom commented, after watching Sophia for me while I showered, that she had the same eyes I did as a baby that we started to pay more attention. I believe it was Jane who pulled out the photo albums and darned if Sophia wasn't a little mini me in the infant pictures!
I find myself thinking "noooooooo...are you sure?" at her potentially growing up to look like me. I think that is my insecurity talking. I do think she is a beautiful little girl with a really nice shade of brown/red hair and bright blue eyes. I don't know why I feel apprehensive about her looking a lot like me. So silly.

- And addition to this Post submitted 2 months later -
It dawned on me that Padon and Sophia are rougly the same age differance as Walter and I! They really are a couple mini me's!
"Go, Mommy"
I love to talk to Padon; everything that comes out of his mouth is facinating and interesting to hear. The best so far was the morning before last I got up to pump my engorged breasts and heard Padon crying in his room. So I went down to ask him what was wrong and he mumbled to me quietly something totally unhearable. I said "what mouse, I can't hear you." So he mumbled some more and I ended up curled up on the bed next to him, kissing on his deliciously chubby cheeks and petting his head trying to decifer what was up. All the while I wished I could just pump. So finally I said "Padon, I'm sorry your sad and I really want to help you but I really need to pump the milk from my breasts."
I can't tell you how awesome it has been to talk candidly to Padon about breastfeeding. He has gotten it from the beginning, declaring when I get home from work that I put Pia's milk in the fridge, and talking about "milk a Pia", and "Pia's milk". This time I said "here Padon feel my breast, feel how hard it is? It's supposed to be soft and squishy but there is so much milk it is really hard and it hurts. So I want to help you but I really need to pump my breasts. I'm going to go pump and then I'll come back and see how you are doing and if you need anything. I just need to go and pump." To which he looked me straight in the eye, patted my left shoulder and said "Mommy, Go." In a manner that was like, Mommy, shush already, just go and pump. I laughed, caught myself, and said "Ok, I'll go and I'll come back as soon as I'm done." He said "ok." and then I left. He cried for a minute and I went back when I was done. He seemed to still be awake and I napped in his bed with him for a couple hours and never did find out what was wrong. I think he had been having bad dreams about Roadie because he mentioned how he could hear her howling when I was pumping only it was midnight and Roadie hadn't made a peep.
My other favorite moments have been: going to a friend's new yarn shop to have Padon, excited for me, shopping for yarn with me: talking about the colors and how soft the skiens were and looking at pattern books with and for me. And being told, when Padon wants something and I am feeding Sophia, that she is done eatting and that she doesn't want anymore.
I can't tell you how awesome it has been to talk candidly to Padon about breastfeeding. He has gotten it from the beginning, declaring when I get home from work that I put Pia's milk in the fridge, and talking about "milk a Pia", and "Pia's milk". This time I said "here Padon feel my breast, feel how hard it is? It's supposed to be soft and squishy but there is so much milk it is really hard and it hurts. So I want to help you but I really need to pump my breasts. I'm going to go pump and then I'll come back and see how you are doing and if you need anything. I just need to go and pump." To which he looked me straight in the eye, patted my left shoulder and said "Mommy, Go." In a manner that was like, Mommy, shush already, just go and pump. I laughed, caught myself, and said "Ok, I'll go and I'll come back as soon as I'm done." He said "ok." and then I left. He cried for a minute and I went back when I was done. He seemed to still be awake and I napped in his bed with him for a couple hours and never did find out what was wrong. I think he had been having bad dreams about Roadie because he mentioned how he could hear her howling when I was pumping only it was midnight and Roadie hadn't made a peep.
My other favorite moments have been: going to a friend's new yarn shop to have Padon, excited for me, shopping for yarn with me: talking about the colors and how soft the skiens were and looking at pattern books with and for me. And being told, when Padon wants something and I am feeding Sophia, that she is done eatting and that she doesn't want anymore.
Happy Easter and 6th Wedding Anniversary!
Easter is one of the more important holidays to me. It's hard for me to explain but I think because of the kind of meal that is provided and because it truly is a sacred holiday to many around the world and is based around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And so even though as a family we don't celebrate Easter and Walter counts himself as an athiest, I think it is important that Sophia and Padon learn that it is a sacred holiday to most and one that deserves some level of respect; like Christmas. So like Christmas it is one of the two holidays we dress up for.
This year we went over to my Parents house the night before, something we had done many times in the past with success, but with Sophia this year, it ended up being a restless night with me cramped on the loveseat with Sophia in my arms and Padon in the full size pull out bed with Walter. The next morning it was wonderful to be able to get in the shower alone and have a chance to start the day fresh. Mom happily sat on the couch with Sophia while she read the news and when I came out of the shower she commented on how neat it was to see how much Sophia looked like me; that looking down on her she was looking into Baby Chloe eyes. It was the first time any reference had been really made to who Sophia looked like and it was fascinating and surreal to look down at Sophia and think how maybe this was how I had looked at one point in my parents arms.
Refreshed and dressed myself, I dressed Padon and Sophia in their Easter best and readied them for my annual Easter picture. Walter was very helpful as we got Padon to commit to a couple pictures and willing to help prop Sophia up as we positioned them in front of the beautiful view of my parents back yard. I had really wanted to put them on the bench in the back yard but it was a characteristic Northwest day; overcast, damp, and cold. Lucky for us the sun came out as we were taking the pictures and with my hand clasped behind Sophia's back we got a couple really cute pictures.
After the pictures were done I changed Padon into a more comfortable outfit yet one that would still look nice for this special day.
And of course Padon had a wonderful time running up to Greg and grabbing huge handfuls of jacket to better throw him down to the ground. It made my stomach tight everytime he would do it but then they both would be up and laughing and running and happy and so I didn't know if I should intervein or not.

The sun came out again for a bit and while Greg and Padon examined their Easter Egg loot Jane took a great picture of us under the cherry blossoms.

My Aunt Janet had given Sophia the cute little pink hat below and I had to take a picture of Sophia in it with her little pink outfit. I couldn't wait to send her the picture so she could see how cute Sophia looked in it.
This year, Easter also fell on Walter and my 6th wedding anniversary. I wasn't sure if Walter had remembered but after waking up and getting the kids fed Walter gave me the sweetest card. Touched I felt ackward to then have to turn around and tell him that I had a card for him but that I would have to give it to him later. He totally accepted this response, however, which was awesome because I had plans for him. The previous August Walter had lost his wedding ring when we went to Granite Falls, on a hot day, to play in the river where there were wonderfully cool pools to lay in. While playing in the river with his friend Jason the cold water caused his fingers to shrink enough that his wedding band fell off without him noticing. Eventually he did notice and while he spent about about an hour with his head in the water looking and looking the ring was gone and he was devestated. It was a great Easter and Anniversary! I think that it will be a hard one to top for a very long time.
This year we went over to my Parents house the night before, something we had done many times in the past with success, but with Sophia this year, it ended up being a restless night with me cramped on the loveseat with Sophia in my arms and Padon in the full size pull out bed with Walter. The next morning it was wonderful to be able to get in the shower alone and have a chance to start the day fresh. Mom happily sat on the couch with Sophia while she read the news and when I came out of the shower she commented on how neat it was to see how much Sophia looked like me; that looking down on her she was looking into Baby Chloe eyes. It was the first time any reference had been really made to who Sophia looked like and it was fascinating and surreal to look down at Sophia and think how maybe this was how I had looked at one point in my parents arms.

After everyone else arrived we took advantage of the nice weather and went and dropped the Easter eggs that Mom and Sarah had generously put together outside in the backyard. Padon quickly picked up on the process of finding eggs and placing them in the basket quickly enough that soon he was monopolizing the egg finding. Something that wasn't being helped by Greg's helpful placing of his eggs in Padon's basket and Padon helping himself the the eggs in Greg's basket.
Getting pictures of Padon finding eggs, or should I say smiling and finding eggs was near impossible because he was still being very elusive of having his picture taken. He did think I was great fun as I ran after him teasingly shreaking "Get back here and let me take your picture!!!!!" as he shreaked back "Nooooooo!!!"

Sophia had been sweetly hanging out inside the whole time in her carseat, asleep on the dinning room table, and I snuck back inside to get some really cute first Easter pictures that I had planned for. My Dad came in to see that I had put her in a basket and thought it was adorable and between the two of us we probably snapped at least 50 pictures from varying angles.

Part way through she woke up but didn't mind in the slightest being in the basket and just smiled and kicked - of course more photos were taken.

Strangely enough I wasn't hurt or really bothered by the loss. It was a bummer that he didn't have the ring we exchanged when we got married but he was ok, the ring was jewelry and jewelry sometimes gets lost, and of all the places for Walter to loose his ring what better place then the outdoors in a wild river of winter snow runoff? It was a bummer, however, to look up the cost of replacing the ring to find that it had gone from $400 to $879 because of the increased value of gold in the economic recession we were going through. $879 was way more then we could afford and so it looked as though Walter would remain ringless.
That was until I found that iron was the traditional 6th wedding anniversary gift. Walter and I have been pretty true and creatively so to what the traditional wedding gifts are listed as and I was determined to get Walter an iron ring. After doing a lot of online research I had evolved my idea to a stainless steel ring; one that wouldn't rust but was still founded in iron. I then ended my search at Amazon.com where there was a huge selection of amazingly inexpensive yet gorgeous stainless steel rings to choose from. Narrowing the selection down to about 2000 men's wedding rings I went through them all and then again narrowed my options down to about 20 rings that I kept eyeballing and trying very hard to choose based on Walter's likes and not my own. Finally after a week of debating with myself on which ring should be the one I made a decision. I had tried to size Walter's finger in his sleep and unsuccessful I ended up sizing his college ring instead and ordered the ring based on that size.
I then started formulating a speach and sent an email to my family notifying them of my plan; my plan to repropose to Walter. They were totally on board with helping me surprise Walter and I was so excited! I tried on my wedding dress to find that I still was too big to zip it up without busting the zipper and found instead a beautiful dress at Nordstroms in the after prom sales that would do just as well.
With everyone on board with the 2:30pm deadline of proposing to Walter they helped with Padon and Sophia as I made the excuse that I needed to pump and disappeared in Mom's bathroom to get ready. Walter, however, also took the opportunity to take Roadie for a walk which had Jane frantically texting Jason, who had gone with Walter, to bring Walter back. Jason was totally in a bind on how to convince Walter to come back but said something that got Walter to turn around (Walter the whole time irritated that he was trying to talk to Jason and Jason was texting on his phone).
As they stopped near the front door to continue their conversation Sarah walked out, put down the door mat infront of Walter, which caused him to look down and as he looked up he saw me, in the dress, with my wedding jewelry, original wedding bouquet in hand, getting down on one knee, with the whole famly ringed around us. His face was priceless!!! I took Walter's hand and said:
"We have been married 6 years today. Over the past 6 years we have weathered personal storms, brought our relationship to higher levels, and done our best to support each other through thick and thin. It hasn't been easy but through it all we had each other's best interests at heart and weren't willing to give up. For this reason the loss of your wedding band didn’t break my heart because to me it was a symbol of the beginning of our relationship and we have become so much more. I look forward to obtaining your wedding band again but in the mean time I hope you will accept this traditional symbol of our 6 years of iron fortitude. (And I brought out the ring that I had slipped on my finger but that was hidden by the bouquet) As iron runs through our blood and therefore our hearts I hope this symbolic iron ring will remind you of how great a couple we are. And just like the magnetism in our planet’s iron minerals compels the plants and animals to continually follow course I hope you will feel as confident in our future path in life together. Most of all this ring signifies unity, a unity that you regularly remind me we have in your actions and regard to my feelings and our family’s goals. I propose with this ring that we continue to develop our marriage together, to keep respecting each other's interests, and to be there for each other when hard decisions have to be made. Do you accept my proposal and my absolute love for you?" He said yes and I stood and we kissed. It was awesome and everyone clapped.
"We have been married 6 years today. Over the past 6 years we have weathered personal storms, brought our relationship to higher levels, and done our best to support each other through thick and thin. It hasn't been easy but through it all we had each other's best interests at heart and weren't willing to give up. For this reason the loss of your wedding band didn’t break my heart because to me it was a symbol of the beginning of our relationship and we have become so much more. I look forward to obtaining your wedding band again but in the mean time I hope you will accept this traditional symbol of our 6 years of iron fortitude. (And I brought out the ring that I had slipped on my finger but that was hidden by the bouquet) As iron runs through our blood and therefore our hearts I hope this symbolic iron ring will remind you of how great a couple we are. And just like the magnetism in our planet’s iron minerals compels the plants and animals to continually follow course I hope you will feel as confident in our future path in life together. Most of all this ring signifies unity, a unity that you regularly remind me we have in your actions and regard to my feelings and our family’s goals. I propose with this ring that we continue to develop our marriage together, to keep respecting each other's interests, and to be there for each other when hard decisions have to be made. Do you accept my proposal and my absolute love for you?" He said yes and I stood and we kissed. It was awesome and everyone clapped.
Walter was in complete awe and my plan of having him feel the same way I did when he came to my work at Markow Financial Group, February 18th, 2003, to propose to me the first time worked perfectly. Part way through my speech he realized that I had memorized a speech, was touched by the act, he wasn't sure of everything I had said, and that his mind was reeling from the surprise of what was going on. Hoping this would happen I was prepared and when I stood up I handed Walter my anniversary card which in it I had put the whole speech so he could read it again and know what I had said. To this day I still have no idea what he said to me in 2003 and I wish I did. The ring was too big but Walter was determined to wear it all day which he did. We did mail it back to Amazon who easily did an exchange for the next size down and in a week had mailed us the correct ring. The best thing about the ring was, later, looking back at pictures of Walter's original wedding band and finding that the new band was almost identical. How serendipodous it was and after discussing the intention of still repurchasing his original wedding band when gold prices went down, Walter said he didn't want to, that he loved this ring just a much and didn't want a different one. That made me feel so wonderful.
Laughing and chatting about how well everything had gone according to plan, the whole family made their way back inside and into the backyard to take some memorable pictures and sit down for a very delicious dinner.
Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!

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