Monday, December 21, 2009

Squared Away and Holding Steady

Thank you to Sarah and Jane for the pictures! I took them off their Facebook pages, but I love to blog with pictures.
Walter's handi-work. What's a Dad to do when a nurse sits there for a long time asking the Mom about her thyroid medication and the last time she went to the bathroom and on and on for 15 minutes straight?

They notified Walter and I that we were at Overlake to stay through the end of the week of not longer, assuming Sophia didn't jump the gun. When Walter arrived with Padon, Padon came into the room wide eyed and cautious. I would have thought he would be excited but he seemed more worrried to see me in bed. We positively and excitedly told him we were here for the baby and pointed out how we could hear her heartbeat and wasn't that cool?, and that made us happy! To which he replied "Scared! Scared!" shaking his head. I reassured him that it wasn't scary and that I wasn't scared so it was ok. It seemed to make sense because soon he was asking to watch the baby on the heart monitor and making his place in our room. My parents came quickly to check on us and took Padon home with them. In a super cute way Padon stopped to say goodbye to the baby as he went out the door, waving goodbye to the heart monitor and saying "bye baby!, bye baby!" Man I love him!

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