I was searching around the house last night for what I thought was a lost bag of fabric and asking Padon to help me find it and we went into the guest room to see if it was hiding there. I had forgotten we had put his rocking horse (much like the one above) in there and at seeing it he got really excited and wanted to play with it so I mockingly road it into the living room. I put it down and he promptly went over to it, lifted its tail and looked underneith to see its bottom and then just dropped the tail, like, "yep its got one". I laughed and said, yes, that's where the pony poops and lifted the tail again and pointed where, funny enough, the seams of the fabric came together in the shape like an anus. He then got really animated, started talking in his Padon talk (full of gibberish but very meaningful), and went over to the pony's head, lifted up hard on its snout, bending over to look into it's mouth and pointing (still talking), dropped its head so it rocked back, walked around to the back end (still talking and gesturing), lifted the tail and pointed to it's bottom looking at me,again, dropped the tail (still talking), and slapped his hands down on his thighs and finished his explaination with a verbal flurish like "And that is how this pony eats and goes poop!" He was very pleased with himself and I was blown away that he had made the correlation between eatting and later having to poop. What a fun little guy!
1 comment:
What a smart guy! I am impressed. I can't wait for Greg to start communicating in english so that I can understand what he is discovering and realizing.
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