Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fun at Auntie Jane and Uncle Jason's House

Walter and I took an evening away to attend United Way's Spirit of Caring Award Ceremony where I had been nominated Campaign Coordinator of the Year and we left Padon with Jason and Jane for the evening. It was apparent when we came back that he had had an incredibily fantastic time.Dress up!
Time with the bunnies! Rock On!

Faux Hawks!

And danc'n, until they ran out of battery power, with the automated Nutcrackers. I totally need to get that on video sometime! Too funny.

Jane, Jason and Tooley were so wonderful to watch Padon and I am so pleased he had such a wonderful time. Padon was so excited to show us their apartment; it had been so full of so many special things.

~Thanks to Jane for the pictures!!!!!!!!~


Dear Baby said...

The hawaian slasher costume is great!

Chloe said...

Isn't that so great! Jane was calling im Padon Voorhees. Walter and I think we will so dress him up like a tiki god this halloween. How cute would that be?!