I had to get them because my back has been bothering me more and more and I thought since I have the health insurance why don't I take advantage of the never ending ability to see the chiropractor. He wanted me to get x-rays, however, so he could be sure to adjust in the proper places and thus I had to go to the Bellevue Image Center today.

The doctor that took the X-rays was ok but I found it interesting that he seemed frustrated with me for not standing up straighter and for leaning. I was really trying to listen to what he was saying all the while thinking I'm in here because my back is bugging me, Maybe there is a reaon why I am having difficulty standing up straighter than I am already and no matter how much you pull on my head my neck isn't going to get longer.

And my neck has a "leaning Tower of Pisa"look to it and has just about lost all of the "C" shapped curve. I missed posting the side picture of my neck which is too bad because you can see it gradually curving in the opposite direction of the way it is supposed to curve. I'm supposed to sleep with a towel rolled up and under my neck to help put the curve back in my neck as well as working on my posture. Very interesting. Most interesting, however, is if you really look at the vertebra right above my upper most ribs you can see the faint outline of two triangular shapped bones sticking out on either side. Those two bumps are the beginnings of a whole other set of circular ribs that started to form and then stopped. The chiropractor said it was interesting and probably a good thing that they didn't develop fully because there is no room there for another set of ribs and it would probably have been painful. Walter says he's proud to be married to a mutant. Nice!
Are those your intestines? I can see right thru you!
I don't know what they are. I was thinking kidneys.
I don't know what they are. I was thinking kidneys.
Wow!I think orthodics are awesome and Wayne and I both have a pair. I hope they help you and the towel trick sounds nice. I bet you sleep better. I bet it helps you breath better while you sleep. And I wonder if we all have mutant ribs or just you. We should all get Xrays to find out.
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