Thursday, May 5, 2011

1st Pig Tails

Carley, one of Sophia's teachers at Josephine House, puts all the kid's hair in pig tails. There are a few boys in her class too so I assume the picture of all the kids with their pig tails are stink'n adorable. When I took Sophia's pigtails out for bedtime I saw the little rubber bands matched her shirt. I love the little things they do for her in her class. I get just about no feedback from Padon's classroom and it totally bumms me out. Sophia is beyond adorble in her little whispy pigtails. It made me have to go out and buy her, her own little rubberbands so we could do it more often. But because we don't do it very often and because I'm afraid of hurting her, we're not pros at doing putting them in. But when I do get them in, it makes me giggle. She is so cute!

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