Autumn War was the perfect opportunity to try out or packing capabilities with the Gold Oldsmobile and to see how well Sophia camped. We hadn't gone camping with her at all yet and we were planning a road trip and camping trip to Yellowstone in two weeks.

I was anxious about how I needed to make SCA clothes for Sophia because it felt like one more thing in the grand number of things that needed to be planned for but like usual I pulled it off. And with an offer by our friend Dan to load all of our things in their giant orange van we had someone to share the cost of gas and we didn't need to take extra time packing the car. This was awesome but I was a little bummed that we were missing the opportunity to test out our new roof rack for the car.

Sophia proved herself to be a Warren. She sat happy in her infant car seat, packed into the van with two familes worth of stuff (4 adults and 4 children) and when we arrived happily lounged in the couch camping chair munching on her blanket.

Dan had brought he dragon wing with him and it ended up being our saving grace. Autumn war was scheduled to be down in Randall which is on the south side of Mt. Raineir, often windy, very open, and usually cold. This weekend, however it rose into the 100's if not just about there and we all lounged in the shade enjoying the occasional breeze.

We played game after game of Shut The Box

And Sophia again was carefree and loving the attention and the new sensations of the sun, grass, sights of midevil camping.

Walter did well with the heat but stayed back from fighting as our friend joel, who joined us for the afternoon suited up and still fought in the oppressive heat and sun. I just don't know how the fighters don't get heat stroke. Some must.

I love how Padon and Sophia love each other. How they look at each other and haven't developed enough of their own unique personalities to push off each other. It is so hard not to snap hundreds of these precious expressions.

I also couldn't get over how much Sophia looked like me as a baby in these pictures. Her little bald melon, blue eyes, and pale skin mirrored baby pictures of me as a baby. Even my mom confirmed when I showed her the pictures later.

Padon also was awesome with the heat and didn't complain. I was concerned that he and Sophia might get over heated however and with a quick diaper change (I love the midevil atmosphere of the SCA where people don't mind naked children being changed; no judging) we left Padon in only his diaper so he would be as cool as possible, the same with Sophia.

The funny thing about the picture below is that we had laid Walter's cloak out on the grass for Padon to lie on and hopefully take a nap. In the end Padon ended up on Chaos's (dog) blanket, and Chaos on Walter's cloak. Both of them preferred the other's bedding.

And food! Padon!
In the end it was a very eye opening trip. It was obvious that camping with the kids wasn't going to be a problem. We just needed to find if we could still pack everything we needed in and on the Olds. On the way back home traffic was horrendous on I-5 and so we stopped at Dan's parent's house and had dinner and gave the kids baths. It took us about 5 hours to get home and again the kids proved themselves to be great road trippers. The trip to Yellowstone is going to be awesome!
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