In the SCA Boffers are weapons created out of PVC pipe and foam. Mock battles are created for kids ages 6 to 17(?) who also have to wear protective armor and have to follow rules. I believe it was our group that introduced the Boffer Wars to our surrounding Baronies and so someone in our group always has a ready supply at hand. There was a large field behind where we were camped and just about all day kids were playing with the boffers. Hunter, 16, was acting as mediator for the kids playing and he totally took Padon under his wing with help from Aiden, 5. It was so awesome that with a little introduction to being the smacker and being smacked Padon was soon growling, charging, laughing hysterically, and smacking away with what was supposed to be a dagger, but because of Padon's size looked like sword.
We, as a family, are a construction of what we feel it means to be a Warren. As we live out our daily existence we do so remembering those we have left behind, we are going to visit, and those we love. By answering in full, we are a Warren, we indicate the existence of a family lineage, one we have chosen to carry on in our son and daughter. It is our uniqueness and individual experience we look forward to sharing with you.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hummm...Maybe Daytripping Would Be A Good Idea
Padon and I camped our first SCA event this season alone and it didn't quite end up the weekend I hoped it would be. I think I thought it would be a special weekend because Padon and I don't get whole days together very often and the romantic notion that he would really enjoy hanging out with me for roughly 48 hours totally over ruled my knowledge that he is steadily and confidently moving into a stage where he talks back, enjoys playing the games of reverse child psychology, and whines a lot.
He had me up at 5:50am on Saturday and at 7:20am on Sunday. After the "Oh, ma gawd! Really?!" wake up on Saturday I piled every blanket and sleeping bag we had (except for the thick tapestry blanket which I horded for myself) on top and underneath of Padon, in his pack'n'play, Saturday night; which I greatly attribute to the extra hour of sleep I got on Sunday. Through this fatigue for both of us (Padon's a guy who likes to sleep in til 9 or 10) the play ground was barely interesting and playing with his new ball, eating all meals, and being in our tent was accompanied with mind altering whining. His only interests were going in other people's tents including the back sides of vendor's tents, and doing the opposite of everything I said until, and finally, Saturday afternoon he was introduced to Boffers.

Thanks to Hunter and Aiden I was given a lovely reprieve from toddler chasing for a while.
But after a weekend of toddler chasing, being self conscious of the noise we were making in a sea of sleeping tents, and having little sleep I'm not sure that camping at SCA events this season, even with Walter, maybe such a good idea. Walter, I think, wants to give it another try, but I see a lot of day tripping in our future. 
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I hear ya sister!
I had to send Greg to a 5 minute time out after 2 power struggles that I lost. I caught myself thinking, "so this is the place parents are when they find them selves shaking their children." So I sent him to time out. It was a needed brake for both of us.
I don't think we will be doing a camping trip this summer after all. Keeping Greg on a sleep schedule is so important and routines seem to be more critical this year than they were last year and I don't know how we would get him to stay sleeping since he doesn't fit in the pack'n'play anymore.
Yeah for Terrible Twos! They're AWESOME!
I finally understood why Mom would come into our room and say "why are you crying, if you are going to cry I'll give you something to cry about." I didn't spank him but I found myself thinking, "gawd! stop whining, if you are going to cry, cry for real, just stop the never ending fake crying! " I felt like if he was crying for real then I knew it would stop where as the fake crying goes on and on and on.
Tell me about the fake whining. Greg's favorite thing in the world now is to fake outrage. He keeps pulling the whipped craem out of the fridge so that I will squirt some on his hand but as soon as he hands it to me he starts walking backward with his browns furrowed and his chin dropped to his chest with this look of hurt indignation. He wants the whipped cream but he has to balance it against his over whellming urge to be independant. So frustrating. He makes this whining "ah haaaaaa" noise all day long. I mean ALL DAY long.
I tell Padon if he needs to be sad he can be sad in his room and if he doesn't take himself there I either walk him or carry him there. I don't know if Walter does this. I then leave him there, telling him he can be sad in his room and when he's not sad anymore he is welcome to come out. So far it has worked but I don't have to be with him all day. I also make him say please everytime he starts whining for something. It makes me feel a little better. I can't wait until this phase is over. When did he become so neglected that he needed to start whining?
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