We got the awesome opportunity to go back to Leavenworth with Erin, Evan, Eliott, and Ivor over the weekend. We had such a great time and felt so tickled to be able to go since we often talk about places we would like to go with Erin and Evan but don't often get the chance.
Eliott was excited to be able to help Padon with his harness and make sure he didn't wander too far away from us and surprisingly Padon loved it! Loved it so much he couldn't stop laughing, as if it was the greatest game ever. I wish he felt that way when I have hold of him.
They moved in and out of the crowd in such a way that made me realize they had yet to see the world from my height and totally took for granted the solid view of hips and waistbands. They were oblivious to the people coming in the crowd and moved as if there was a force around their bodies that would propel people around them. Instead people were scrambling last second trying not to trip over them and Padon and Eliot just kept on moving. They were so cute.
That Eliott sure takes her responsabilits seriously! She is even holding on to Padon's leash while sitting on the grassy mound.
I took Greg and Benny out for a walk and they were both wearing their leashes. Benny's got his leash tangled around Greg's neck as I was cleaning up his poo and so I yelled at him to "sit" until he finally parked his rear end on the sidewalk. As I was getting up I turned to see that both Greg and Benny were sitting on the sidewalk. Greg must have thought I was yelling at him.
Oh, don't you wish you had a picture of that. That's so funny!
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