I love that Padon loves brushing his teeth. Cause I don't love brushing my teeth but one crown has me faithfully flossing and brushing my teeth every day. If you put Padon's PJ's on and ask him if he wants to brush his teeth he runs, not walks, down the hallway to his bathroom.

And once there he has four toothbrushes to choose from. He picks one or two and I get one. I turn on the water and ask him to get his toothbrush wet which he is now starting to get and then he holds out his toothbrush (with prompting) so I can put toothpaste on it. And then I let him go to town until he starts playing with the toothbrush. "No, the sink has no teeth to brush." and I ask him if it is my turn.

And he is so good. He will drop his toothbrush away from his mouth and let me tilt his head back so I can brush his teeth. I sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, because Erin told me it was 20 seconds long and because Sarah said her doctor said you should brush your babies teeth for at least 20 seconds, and I stop singing the words when he bites on the toothbrush or makes it so I can't brush his teeth. This has worked amazingly well.

In the end I ask him to rinse his toothbrush and let him put them back in the toothbrush holder.

We're such a good team and I feel like such a good Mom for brushing his teeth. I keep meaning to schedule a dentist appointment with a toddler specialized Dentist to see what they think of our process and how Padon's teeth are coming in. Heck, when you're paying for the insurance you might as well use it!
Why "Tinkle Tinkle?"
LOL! I totally missed that. We sing Twinkle, Twinkle. I will go back and correct it. Too funny.
Yeah, you'll sing Tinkle Tinkle when it is potty trainging time.
HA! I probably will but it will have different words but probably the same tune.
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