Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Kid Can Out Gross Your Kid!

Ok, the short story below is truly gross and if nose picking and eatting is the grossest thing you can imagine (Erin, this means you :)) you had better not read below but it is so gross it seems worth mentioning and a good reminder that what ever comes next just couldn't be that bad.

So last night I see Padon heading toward our computer which sits in a alcove and I called him away thinking, oooo I need to put the chair back to block the opening so he can't go back there and play. As he crawled away from the computer, under the dining room table, I rounded the table toward the chairs to see that the cat had coughed up a juicey hairball right in the opening to the alcove and there was a lovely smear through it. I jerked around calling Padon and walked real fast up to him and picked him up looking at his knees and stomach - ummmm no hairball residue. I turned over his hands and "UH!" it was on his hands which reflexively made me look at his face which had a nice smear of hairball juice across his mouth and cheeks! Trying not to scream in revultion and suprised at my body's ignorance in not gagging to death I rushed him down to his bathroom where I stripped him down and washed him up to his elbows and from crown to shoulders with as much soap as I could contain on his washcloth. The whole time he was totally oblivious, licking the soap off the washcloth, and was happily kissing himself in the bathroom mirror. I got him changed into a fresh pair of pajamas, which made me feel he was a little more sterile, and plopped him down in front of his Fisher Price movie so I could clean up the cat hair ball vomit without interruption.

Yeah.......try to beat that one...


Troop 41653 said...

That is worse than Liz and Caleb realizing Jubilee had eaten poop (and couldn't figure out where she found it).

I have A LOT of gross stories from daycare days and personal experience. Your story tops them all. Made me visibly gag, and my eyes tear up.

It is such a gross story I don't think I can even repeat it to other people, although I will be directing everyone I know to your blog.

Lets never refer to this again.

Chloe said...

LOL! I can't even gag because I don't think my brain will let me comprehend what happened. It didn't see it happen....so if a tree falls in the woods, all alone, did it make a sound?

Dear Baby said...

So wayne let greg play in the back yard after a quick scan for dog poop only to come back outside to discover that greg had found a hidden poop and was playing with it in his sand strainer. I don't believe it made it into his mouth yet. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Troop 41653 said...

How did Eliot not end up being on my top two grossest things kids have eaten list? Astonishing!