Oh, so now that I have uploaded the image I can tell it will be too hard for you to read it so here it is in text:
Everyone who made history - from social change agents such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Eleanor Roosevelt to political leaders such as Thomas Jefferson - had these things in common:
1. Committed
2. Determined to make a difference
3. Focused
4. Passionate
5. A risk seeker
6. Made losts of people mad
7. Creative, quirky, peculiar
8. In the establishment's face, flouted chain of command
9. Irreverent, disrespectful
10. Thrived on chaos
11. Asked forgiveness rather than permission
12. 'Bone honest'
13. Flawed
14. Tuned into followers' needs and aspirations
15. 'Damned good' at what they did
I count myself as 1., 2., 3., 4., 8., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15.
Heck! I'm awesome! I have to give or take 9 because what is disrespectful? My upbringing would say that the fact that I told my boss, the President of my Division and Vice President of the company, that the reason I had a doctor's appointment tomorrow was because my eyes look like I had been crying all morning do to the fact that I missed him so much because he had been away at Kenworth ( I think I might have pink eye- gross!) is inappropriate. I only know of one person who would feel that free to have such candor with my boss and that is one of his Assist. General Managers. Everyone would faint dead away for having the gaul to talk to him that way. He is a strike fear in the heart of you sort of person but I refuse to be swayed in that direction. I am so the do now and ask for forgiveness later person. And I have been told I ask too many questions. BBBBUUUUUttttttttt....who got asked to be the Administrative Specialist for the President of the Division based on her reputation? Me! That's who!
I'll never be a high executive (unless of course I owned my own company) because I just can't conform that far. I am 2 guages away from having my ears stretched to 12 guages, my nose is pierced, my tonuge was pierced (took it out when I chiped two teeth- sad), my belly button was pierced (took it out when I was 6 months pregnant with my son), and I haven't decided what illustration I would like for a tattoo. My hair was been a rainbow of colors and if it wasn't for my job I would totally have teal hair right now. I love hand spinning and knitting with a passion and I love that I can make just about anything I see with hardly any instruction in a cornucopia of materials.
I definitely don't thrive on Chaos, however. I'm a lover not a fighter. And that kind of goes hand in hand in being a risk taker. I may talk to my co-workers in an out of the norm way and sometimes pull them outside of the box, but I'm not stupid and I don't try to get myself fired. I know the dark and bold outlined boundries and I don't cross those. Got to meet somewhere in the middle. Risks involve doing things like trying Reisling and Rubarb (two seperate scoops) Icecream in Germany, staying with a woman we didn't know at all for two days in Munich, attempting to find a way home when I have missed my bus again and AGAIN, and attempting to convince my boss that he should donate $1500 of the division's budget toward a dinner cruise to generate donations for the United Way Campaign coming up in October.
It is fun, however, to remind people who seem wound a little too tight that life should be fun. We all forgot from time to time. I think really successful people understand the importance of fun and have to do 1. thru 15. to keep life fun for them.
You are my hero.
I love you.
Awe thanks! You're the butterfinger in my blizzard too!
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