So finally after three years a job popped up on their job postings for a Fleet Coordinator. A job that just makes me want to pee my pants with excitement. The only trouble was to apply I had to ask my boss (yeah, I have to ask my boss) and I had only worked for him for 6 months. So after I rocked the boat with my Main Boss, and had fabulous support and pats on the back from my other two bosses, I applied for the job, had a phone interview with my would-be boss, and then a 5 1/2 hour in person interview with 7 people I would potentially be working with. It went wonderfully, they loved me, they had nothing bad to say about me (as if!). My would-be boss said to his boss, "when can we start processing the paperwork on Chloe to get her up here?" And that's when Corporate's tenticales reached out and put a strangling hold on my much loved corporate computer chair. The afternoon after I had applied for the job and everyone agreed I was a perfect fit, Jim Cardillo, the General Manager for the Technical Center, had to let the Technical Center know that Corporate had placed on them yet another hiring freeze. They totally wanted to hire me for the job but until the hiring freeze was up there was nothing they could do. I believe it was at least two years before the last hiring freeze was up.
My bosses were very sympathetic and my Main Boss assured me that he still loved me. My Would-be boss said he would call me as soon as the hiring freeze was over to see if I was still interested in the job and I asked him not to forget about me because I would still be here.
Why, oh, why?
Positive side to this is I get to still be the coordinator of the United Way Campaign for PACCAR Financial which is a very important position to be put into. At least this has given me a re-newed energy towards staying with PACCAR and continuing this long schedule. Sheesh!!!
Sad!! When was this?
At least you know everyone loved you, so you'll have a good chance when the time comes around again.
I had the conversation with my Wood-be boss on Tuesday, last week.
NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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