So the last day we were at September Crown Padon and I helped out the Pied Piper tent by being a part of the Little Kids Action Adventure. We played a two headed monster (Padon was my second head) and we were counting our glorious shiny coins which were sadly lost when I sneezed so hard they went flying. The kids had to find all 10 of my quarters before they could move onto the next step in the adventure - a labyrinth. At the very end we helped Dathi and Fijorlief collect up their stuff and then we started on our way back to camp. As Padon and I passed a vendor she asked if Padon had been really good this weekend. I looked at him and said he had been especially amazing this weekend. She said then he deserved a prize and sifted through her two wooden bowls that had been set up to give prizes to kids for free. She was slightly discouraged that she might not have anything left for his age group but then sifted past a blue heart shapped balloon weight and said "how about this?" Padon beamed, took it, clutched it to his chest, reached it out towards her and said "Tnk U" and clutched it back to his chest. She smiled, said "Your welcome!" and bowed to him and I just about crushed him to my chest in a big hug because of my huge amount of love for him and being so incredibly proud that of all the sounds he chose to use for his enjoyment of this piece of plastic was "Thank you." Honestly he doesn't know Thank You, and while we have been working with him by using a repetitive thank you and you're welcome we haven't made him say it and so the chance he would make the sound "Thank you" for a gift was a very low probability. I rushed back to camp to tell Walter (Padon munching away on his new heart the whole way) and Walter was just as pumped up with Daddy proudness as I was. It was just too utterly cool!!!!!! I so wished I had a picture of her bowing to him and his reaching out the heart to her.
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