Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Woah Baby!

So I realized tonight, while I was driving home in the car with Sophia and Padon, that what I had been hearing Sophia say was "Woah, baby! Woah!" She had been doing this for about a week but my brain just wasn't registering it. This time we went over some rail road tracks fast, cause that's how I roll, and Sophia said "Woah, baby!" It was so cute and so her thing! And then I realized that she was doing her best two year old rendition of ABCs only she would interrupt herself to say "Ouch! You stabbed me!" She did this probably four more times before I stopped her to say "What did you say?" She was so funny. Her personality is so uniquely her own. Including her copy-cat finger pointing (supposedly I point when I'm making a point), her pushed out bottom jaw and cocked back head; like what are you going to do about it!, and her "no mommy, no!" when she things that I have crossed the line. She definitely marches by the tune of her own horn and enjoys it immensely. I hope I can always respect her creativity and personal expression; when positive of course.

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