Monday, September 15, 2008

Power of Photoshop!

I forgot to suck in my stomach and tilt in by butt as well as pull my shirt down in the back before I ok'd getting my picture taken as a work in progress at the United Way Day of Caring on Friday. I looked at the picture and thought shoot! Well, I am fat, but bummer! So I popped the picture into Photoshop before I forwarded it and the other pictures I had taken that day off to the other members in our United Way Team

I just needed to look about 4 inches skinnier in the front to feel comfortable with the pic. With more time I could have changed the size of my butt but I'm not really bothered with it. It is my stomach. Yeeeek!
May they now post my picture on their websites with glee!


joansy said...

Wow, you did a good job!

Dear Baby said...

Oh you made me laugh & laugh!

Troop 41653 said...

ummmm... so, you doing our christmas photo this year?