This year after a lot of planning Walter (A.K.A Idris) and Jason (A.K.A Theodric) put together an event they named Medelstede Roust and Rut. They listed out games to play, created a complicated treasure hunt (including buried treasure), had war senarios planned, and organized a pot luck, as well as ordered a Port-o-potty (A.K.A. A Biffy) for the large number of people that would be attending, and got our back yard ready for people to play and camp.
Jason, his lady Octavia, Walter, and I spent a night putting together beautiful glass bead necklaces and belt favors as prizes to the victorious few who played and Octavia made nice black bags to conceal the paired necklaces.
Lara (A.K.A. Fiojleaf) and Walter (A.K.A Idris)
They also played a game where you had to stand on a plank and with 12 ft pikes try to knock your opponent off. They did this in a round-robin style until there was only one winner.

They did find it in the end and were really good about dividing up the large number of belt favors we had made for all the kids we thought were going to come. The final prize lay stashed in the chicken coop for who could solve the riddle: "What box has no hinges, lock or lid, but within golden treasures are hid?" Issac got it was an egg and soon found a necklace hidden above where the chickens sleep.
Everyone took a potluck break in the late afternoon and sat and talked about what they brought and how well they thought the war senarios had gone. They agreed that those that couldn't come were really missing out.

If you bring hotdogs, babies will come. Look out Aiden!
Late in the morning on Saturday people started to arrive and it wasn't long before Walter and Jason were giving the break down on the day's activities to about 27 people. It was a much smaller turn out then we hoped for but still made for a great time.
They started off with the War Senarios and just about everyone got into their armor. They had various events and the most fun one seemed to be the bucket of water. The object was to knock the water out of your opponents bucket, without breaking it, first. The not breaking the bucket part lasted for about 5 seconds but with ductape they were able to continue playing and had a great time doing it. It was so awesome that it was sunny outside because had it been like last year they would have been freezing; they were all so soaked.
While the war senarios were going on Talon, Issac, Aiden and I went on the treasure hunt. We started off in the front yard where the first clue was stashed in the top of the fountain. There were 11 clues all together and at least 4 times I had to run to Walter and whisper something like "We have a red and green bush?!" to find we were way off course or had thought of something Walter hadn't anticpated. He had the boys marching all over the yard (backwards sometimes) which in the end had all of us tired and looking forward to the treasure.
To keep the kids an active part of this event we then had an egg race and toss. Our mistake was using duck eggs which are quite rubbery compared to chicken eggs. We learned you can chuck a duck egg pretty far and hard before it will break so it probably wasn't the best choice for a relay race where you were looking for a winner.
The boys did have a blast though trying to and finally breaking the eggs. Thank goodness we only gave them 3.
Jane was awesome and watched Padon for me while I helped with the last of the kids activities, ran to get drinks for the kids, retrieved the prizes that were hidden away in our bedroom, and made sure everyone had everything they needed.
Walter and Jason ended the dinner by awarding belt favors to the victorious fighters who were impressed with the beads and coordinating charms signifying the event.
I took Padon out into the grass, which I believe he has done with Walter before, but I had never done or seen and it was fun to see his interest in the grass and twigs.
I participated in the last contest where the gals had to stand in a line and feel the guys right hands guessing whose hands were their loves. Man I was a wreak inside that I had to touch all the guys (I'm seriously not touchy-feely) and that I might guess wrong so when I looked back over my shoulder to see that it was indeed Walter I had pulled out of the line I was so relieved I said a bit too loudly "Thank GOD!!" and hugged him hard which made everyone laugh. I was impressed that I could pick him out of about 6 or 7 guys. As a tie breaker those who passed the hand test had to see if their partner could answer questions about them much like The Newlywed Game only dirtier and again Craig and Laura won.
We ended the night sitting around a large fire, singing songs and chatting. It was a great event and man were we tired the next day.
We had such a great time. And I love the picture of Padon sitting in the grass, it's perfect.
Pat and Catharine actually won the apple contest, because Patrick has such a big mouth. It was like, "how many bites does it take to get to the center of an apple?" Three. Three really big bites.
Oh that's cool! I couldn't remember. I spent a good portion of the time lying in bed with Padon trying to get him to sleep and then I think I fell asleep for a short bit of time. I came out just in time to see Laura go flying by with the orange; I think after the grand collision of you, Patrick, and Lara.
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