Walter and I were a little concerned about how nap times were going to mesh with our bus ride but Padon didn't seem to mind. Even if the naps only came in 30 minute spurts. As soon as he had really fallen asleep we were in Seattle and were pleased to see our next bus (Sound Transit 594) at the corner (we were supposed to have to wait 30 minutes). We hopped right on and away we went. We got dropped off at Commerce Street in downtown Tacoma and waited 15 minutes for the Pierce Transit 3. We got to listen to the ranting of a 80 something looking guy who said he looked forward to starting a family with his girlfriend who was in Africa someday. Were were also caught up in a thankfully short conversation with a guy with a gross runny eye problem and who I thought was going to creepily watch me change Padon's diaper.
As we rode the 3 we went through a portion of Tacoma we don't ever need to be in again and met, on the bus, a wonky looking guy with his girlfriend/friend/ grand daughter who said how cute he thought Padon was and after learning that Padon didn't have a piggy bank felt the need to donate a dollar to him. Instead of arguing with him I gladly accepted it and later told Walter we SO had to find a piggy bank for Padon now in Westport to remember this.
We got dumped off at the Tacoma Mall Transit Center and waited an hour for our next bus (Pierce Transit 300) to take us onto Olympia. It was a perfect time to try to get Padon down for a long nap and to have some lunch. It was a bummer that our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches had exploded in their zip lock bags during the trip but they still tasted good and hit the spot.
Walter said "You see that vertical gas tank over there? That's how far we have come and how much farther we have to go." I laughed and had to take a picture. If you can't see in the picture below the tank says "MILES".
We got on the Pierce Transit 300 and continued on our trip to the State Route 512 Park and Ride and transfered onto the Pierce Transit 603 to Olympia. Padon had been inturruped from at least two naps by this time and hadn't slept more than 45 minutes at the Tacoma Mall Transit Center. He was still playing and jabbering along and was grabbing at my jacket sleeve play biting when in mid bite he fell asleep. It was the funniest thing.
He was so out I could pick him up and snuggle him in my lap. Ah, I love being a mom!
As we made our way to Olympia passengers were talking to us about our packs and how great Padon was and we told them about our trip and how we were making our way to Westport. Unbeknownst to us the bus driver had overheard our conversation and knew we were really, really close to missing our next bus to Aberdeen. It would be a two hour wait if we missed it so he called ahead to the Aberdeen Station to have security hold the Grays Harbor Transit 40 bus so we could catch it. We arrived 10 minutes later and low and he hold there was a security guard standing there, next to our bus smiling. We flew off the bus onto the 40 thanking profusely the 603 bus driver, the security guard, and the 40 bus driver. It was another hour to Aberdeen.
When we got to Aberdeen we had to wait 25 minutes for the Grays Harbor Transit 55 bus. We hoped on to go about 30 minutes before we had to get off and back on a tinier verson of the 55. It was here that we attempted to confirm our Motel's location with the bus driver. Confused with which Pacific Motel we were talking about another passenger confirmed for us that yes it was the one with the eagle out front. We thanked her and got off with her at a Motel that strangely didn't look anything like the motel I had seen in the pictures on the web. Not strange we soon learned we had gotten off the bus at the wrong Pacific Motel and that it was important that we say the whole title next time we rode the bus into Westport. It was the Pacific Motel and RV Park that we wanted. The owner of Pacific Motel happily offered to drive us to the correct motel and we took him up on the offer. It wasn't raining but it was dreary and we were tired. Sadly he had a pick up truck so while Padon sat on my lap in the cab of the truck Walter had to climb in the back (he volunteered) with the SUV stroller and the big back pack. We were really happy to see our motel and the kind lady I had spoken to over the phone. The room was cute, clean, there was cable television, and Padon had HIS OWN ROOM!!!! There was actually a wall we could pull closed that made his section of the room completely dark even though we still had lights on on our side of the room and could sit up and watch TV for however long we wanted! Rock On!
We went and grabbed some dinner at the Westport Grill and some wine to go with the snacks we had brought from home, as well as some breakfast for Saturday, from Ted's Red Apple Market (sadly it was just a grocery store and not a cool farmers market like Chloe had hoped). We got back and got comfy for a night of relaxing.
Saturday morning we got up bright and early to Padon jabbering away on his side of the room because he was hungry. We ate our donuts and drank our coffee and packed ourselves up for potential rain and a two mile walk to to the pier. Happily we were able to find our way to where the Shipwreak Motel used to be (where we had stayed with Tim and Amy) and found only one of the round buildings was still standing. The fire pit that used to be up in a tower like potion of the motel was still there though :D. We just had to take a picture.
We wandered over to were we could hear the surf booming against the rocks and climbed up the observation tower to get a better look. Padon wouldn't keep his hat on because it kept spinning in his face but after trying to take a couple pictures ouf ourselves by ourselves and then having a boy take a picture of us the cold finally got to him.
Wrapped up in Daddy's jacket with the hat on his head instantly turned a tearful baby into a happy one and allowed one last chance to take some more pictures of Grays Harbor before we went to lunch.
We went to the recommended, yet slightly spendy, Islander Resturant. The food was great and while the server was a little scatter brained she did serve us well and brought us a wonderful plate of steamed manila clams...yummmmmmm!!!!!!!
Padon happily chowed down on his snacks by the handful and overall it was a really good time and a perfect place to splurge a little.
We passed through what gift shops were open and found THE piggy bank for Padon. Our should I say crab bank.
When it finally did rain on us a bus came by and let us flag it down so we could ride it rain free back to our motel. The people are soooooo nice in Westport!
Back at our room we watched some more cable TV and planned for our trip home the next day. We realized in planning our return trip that we had taken two extra buses on the way down to Westport. The Sound Transit 594 that we had taken from Seattle to Tacoma part way could have gotten us farther than we thought. So as we back tracked on our trip we hopped on the luxurious Grayhound quality of the 594 and rode it all the way into Seattle.
It was comfortable, Padon had his own seat the whole way and soon we were all alseep in the lull and grumble of the bus. We got into Seattle to pure and wonderful sunshine! We had missed by a couple minutes the Sound Transit 510 and had to wait an hour (grumble) for the next bus but it gave us an opportunity to rate our trip and chat about how successful we thought it was. Over all we thought it was a great trip, were amazed at how everything went according to plan, and how we really enjoyed traveling with Padon. Walter doesn't look forward to traveling Public Transit again any time soon especially not 9 hours worth but we did discuss how cool it would be to take the Amtrak across country. "But not for another three years." (says Walter) What!!!??? (says Chloe)
Check back soon! We have video of our trip too! We had such a good time!!!!
That is an awesometrip! I can't believe that bus driver called ahead for you, and that the bus actually waited! I guess I'm too used to city buses who don't feel like waiting for the people running to catch up.
I'm glad that everything worked out so well for you, and that you guys had such a wonderful time. And your pictures are great. I especially like the one of Padon in Walter's arms, with his hat on. But there are a few that I really like. And they're all great!
Yay! Happy Anniversary!
I ADORE that Padon panhandled on your trip!!!! That is AWESOME!!!
What an exciting adventure! I'm glad you shared. I don't think I am brave enough to attempt something like that. Jane can tell you what a stress case I became at the Pike Place Market. Just imagine 9 hours of busses. Yikes! You are a brave, brave woman.
I suppose that is how Walter felt. It was a grand puzzle to me that I was sure would work out in the end and then it did! I just try to go by the feeling that ultimately most people are good regardless of how they look and Padon has a way of pulling the good out of people no matter how grumpy they may feel. We totally pulled the baby card our whole trip and it took me most of the trip to realize that it was probably this great because how can you not want to take care of a young couple with a baby and a baby that won't stop talking and smiling at everyone. Had we not had Padon I think the trip wouldn't have been as fun as it was.
I have travelled A LOT with very young child(ren). A LOT. I would never, ever do what you did. My hat is off and I bow - no, I double bow, to you!!!!!
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