Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mov'n Onto Solids

- Padon has always been a great eater and at 5 months we were moving him onto baby food mixed with his formula. With his 7 month check up we have been given the go head by his pediatrician to give him just the baby food (bottle of formula on the side) and this has been a fun transition. It has opened up the world towards the arena of tasty eats and so far he has done pretty well with it. He already wants to put everything into his mouth and little by little he is working on how food feels in his mouth that doesn't slide down like a baby milk shake. Aside from the baby food I have made him from yams, sweet potatoes, bananas, green peas, sweet peas, butter nut squash, apples, and carrots this ok to eat solids has led to a wonderful sampling of things like chocolate moose (compliments of my Mom), mashed potatoes, breaded chicken (just gummed), cucumbers (again gummed), couple pieces of pasta, an anchovie stuffed olive (all juice sucked out of until like a little mummified olive), a Sweet Pea (gummed again), and two green beans covered in cream of mushroom soup from a green bean casserole .

He only has two teeth so we have to be careful in what we give him and of course keep a very close eye on him so he doesn't choke but so far he has been a champ and we have found that the only thing he really seems to dislike is apples. Strange, of all the things he has eatten...

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