I think this was one of the best Christmases for me this year. I didn't grow up celebrating Christmas and when we finally officially celebrated Christmas outside of Winter Vacation Presents (which really was almost the same thing) I was 16 and was so uncomfortable with the holiday tradition change that it took me at least another 5 years to feel relaxed enough to enjoy it fully.
With Padon Christmas means that we get to start our own family traditions and this is such a wonderful prospect for me. He helped me wrap presents in his own special way and

like a baby stopped me in my progress by face planting himself in a humungous pool of spit up.

On Christmas Eve we packed up our presents and stocking stuffers and made our way down to my parents to meet family for appetizers and a viewing of a movie, "Little Miss Sunshine".
We arrived before everyone and so got to have dinner with my parents and Padon was impressed by my Dad's harmonica talents.

I had made everyone Christmas pajama pants and Padon and Gregory had full Pajama pant and shirt outfits with little yellow rubber ducks with ice skates and santa hats on with snowflakes falling around them on the fabric. I changed Padon into his before everyone arrived. When my sister arrived she changed Greg into his so we could get a picture but as Padon sat on the floor his too soft torso let him down and he fell over backwards hiting his head on the floor before we could stop him.

So we had a picture of him on my lap instead where it was safe and later again on the floor with Greg with a stack of soft pajama pants behind him.

Christmas Day was great! It even snowed!

It was so awesome to open Padon's stocking and gifts with him and to give Greg our gifts.
Padon did as all 6 month olds should and made sure the gifts were of the highest standard and sampled each and every one.

I think he was pretty pleased with the outcome.

He even recieved a gift in a box that was bigger than he was and just like a true baby he did his best to tear and consume, tear and comsume until the gift was unveiled.

The coolest gift; a toy alligator that turned into a pillow and then a blanket, it proved to be the best thing to sit down with and enjoy an afternoon bottle.

The day was full of such fun activities, wonderful family, and fabulous food it was sad to see the holiday end and know it was so far away before we got to do it again.

We can say unanimously, though, that this was a very wonderful 1st Christmas!!!
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