Padon is already 1! We can't believe it!
I took Tuesday, June 3rd, off so I could be home with Padon on his birthday and we had a really great time. We started off the day with chocolate chip pancakes which strangely made Padon cough, sputter, and sneeze (He doesn't do this with non-chocolate chip pancakes). Which of course spread pancake everywhere.

He kept rubbing his face and eyes and there was just no way to keep the pancake from spreading all over his face. He only ate 3/4th of his pancake . We'll have to try something else next year I think.

After breakfast Walter and I got Padon ready to go to the Picture People to get his picture taken. The photographer did a nice job and we took home a couple pictures to frame.

The day before Padon's birthday we had gone out shopping for his birthday party and also bought him the gifts that I had been dreaming about for months. Walter had bought him a wooden sword and leather to make him a sheath at June Faire, he had also grabbed him a rubber chicken at Party City (which he has really enjoyed chewing on),

I got him a baby doll, and we picked out a really large red ball that he hugged onto in the store. We also picked out a Fisher Price Barn Yard and large baby leggos compliments of a gift from Padon's Grandma Mary Jane and Padon was so excited to see all these new things.
He was facinated with the wrapped gifts,
And so patient as Walter helped him open the hard ones.

He really liked the face of the baby doll. He kept touching its mouth and eyes and he laughs when you sit it up and make it look at him.

We ended our day by playing in the play area at Alderwood Mall, eating lunch at Red Robin, and taking a very very long nap when we got home. It was a really good day!
Oh that baby Padon. It is going to be very annoying to him when he is 30 and I am still calling him baby Padon. But he is so perfect and scrumptious, I just can't imagine not calling him that.
Those pictures are great. It looks like he had so much fun on his birthday.
I know I call him Baby Padon too and wonder when I will transition out of it? I told Walter I'm going to call him "The Bean" forever, even all the way through college. Well not in front of his friends but he'll alwyas be "the bean" even when he isn't the "baby bean" any more :).
My friend Lauren's brother is 21 now, and I still refer to him as Bean, because that's just what we always called him. It's funny, when I see him I have to remember to say "Hi Jordan" and not "Hey Bean." :D
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