Padon's Birthday Party Rocked!

We cleaned up and decorated the house

managed to get two sheet cakes in the shape of a dragonfly and iced and waited for everyone to arrive.

All of our closest family and dearest friends came.

Walter manned the grill and cooked up some great hamburgers and hotdogs. My Mom brought the Margaritas, Leo brought the beer and wine, and there were blue slushies and rootbeer sodas for the kids.

After lunch everyone managed to pile themsleves into our living room where Padon unwrapped his gifts. Eliot, Ivor, and Greg were very eager to help Padon unwrap his gifts which was great so they could be part of the fun.

It was a swarm of tiny hands examining all the new and way cool stuff.

Eliot was great at picking out the gifts, handing them off to Walter and Padon, and doing her best to restrain herself as she watched Padon pause when tearing off the wrapping paper. There was much to learn in the art of quickly tearing off the paper.

After presents we readied ourselved to blow out the candle and Walter cut and served the cake.

We gave the bottom end of the dragonfly to Padon after stripping him down to his diaper and let him go hog wild. He ate a lot of the icing and about a quarter of the cake before he felt he had, had enough.

I rushed him down the hall to the bathtub to wash the icing off, put him in comfy pj's and put him in bed for a needed nap. Sadly I had forgotten about the Pinata. So while Padon missed out on the Pinata everyone else had a great time watching Greg, Eliot, and Ivor pull off the ribbons waiting to see which ribbon would release the treats. Eliot found the right one and with some hard tugging the bottom was ripped out.

It was aweome. There was 5lbs of candy, plastic lizards, frogs, and snakes stuffed in the pinata and it took some shaking, wiggling, and digging to get all the good stuff out.

I handed the kids goodie bags and let them fill them up with the treasure. Needless to say I still have a gallon bucket full of candy, lizards, snakes, and frogs but it was so worth it!

We ended the afternoon with my brother, Pat, showing of his new hot ride and giving my Dad, Mom, and his girlfriend Catherine rides on it around our yard.

We had a great time, the party was everything Walter and I hopped it could be, and Padon had a great time with everyone around.