We had our first Baby scare that sent us to the ER (recommendations of Padon's Pediatric office) when Friday night we took his temp and found he was 104.3. The hospital couldn't believe that such a happy go lucky baby could have a temp of 104 and gave him a huge dose of Tylenol. There was nothing wrong with his stomach, throat, or ears and so they sent us home with instructions that if his temp was above 102 to give him two dropers of baby tylenol every 4 hours. And we had to watch it too. By the time we got him home at midnight his temp was down to 102 but by 4 am he was back up to 103.7 and climbing.
We layed in bed all day on Saturday and snuggled; Padon clutched to my fleece pajamas, and Walter offering tons of hugs and kisses. We had one last scare as Padon's temp soared to 104.9 at about 8pm that night and we debated whether we should take him back to the ER. Instead we dosed him with the two eye droppers of tylenol and stripped him down to his diaper and covered him with a blanket. That did the trick and again his temperature dropped. By Sunday he was feeling much better and finally sleeping soundly between the two of us. It seemed we were through the worst of it. Man, and we thought he just had a fever on Thursday because he is teething!
Turns out he had Roseola, a viral infection that effects kids between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. Roseola is contagious and spreads through tiny drops of fluid from the nose and throat of other infected kids. These drops are expelled when the infected person talks, laughs, sneezes, or coughs. Then if other people breathe the drops in or touch them and then touch their own noses or mouths, they can become infected as well. The viruses that cause roseola do not appear to be spread by kids while they are exhibiting symptoms of the illness. Instead, someone who has not yet developed symptoms often spreads the infection. Hummm Ferry maybe? I think so. We went to the Bell-Square Ferry on Monday and by Thursday he was sporting the fever. Oh well. No reason not to play in public places. What a learning experience!
That is a great picture of Padon! It hardly even looks like him. He looks like he's 5!
And I bet the temperature thing was scary. I'm glad everybody made it through okay.
I thought he looked older too. My thought was, man I can totally see what he will look like when he is 3!
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