Gregory is already 1 year old!!! Wow how time flies!
Walter, Padon, and I got the pleasure of spending the whole day with Greg on his birthday and what fun. We started off the day giving Greg our gift. A sweet ride on a Motorcycle Rocker/Walker/Big Wheels. Even though I couldn't figure out how to adjust the seat it seemed as though it wasn't needed anyway.

We had a great breakfast of pancakes and bacon and soon Sarah's house was filled with family; my Sister Jane and her boyfriend Jason, Jason's Mom Judy, my Mom, my Brother Pat, his girlfriend Katherine, Walter, and of course Sarah's husband Wayne. It just turned out that Greg's birthday also fell on the March of Dimes - March for Babies walk. My Mom had gotten us all pumped about going and it was a great opportunity to go out and do something together.
Padon immediately fell in love with Judy and snuggled on her and she couldn't get enough of all that delicious baby goodness.

We were late in getting out of the house and the bad, very cold, weather didn't make getting together all the baby things any easier.
Snow! It's April 19th!!!!
We packed the Dog's up since they were also invited on the walk and they got along fabulously in the back of Sarah's new and fantastic, big, blue, machine (a.k.a. family van).
We dressed Greg's stroller up with a birthday balloon, a Birthday Boy, pin and a crown that I knit him so his head could stay warm and everyone we passed would know it was his birthday.

But when we arrived to the front gate we found that not only were we late but we were the last ones in the walk. We grabbed a map, dropped off our donations, and attempted to find the 5 mile route around the Pt. Defiance Zoo. The March of Dimes people had already started removing markers and we made a circuit around the parking lot once and met up with a friendly lady, Tiffany, who was having the same trouble we were. Where was everyone, and where were we supposed to go?! We finally found the ending of the route and decided to walk it backwards until we ran into people.
The first and last marker that we ran into was the rewarding Hot Dog tent! It was lunch time and were weren't going to pass up on a hot hot dog as we made our way.
Surprisingly the people set to watch the walkers weren't too keen on us walking the route backwards but let us continue if we turned around when it seemed we had reached the end of the people walking. This ended up being good because it wasn't much longer before Padon started taking his cue from the mass of other small and cold children we had passed and started to pout and whine.
This was quickly remedied by tossing my ever interested and energetic baby up in the air a couple times and sitting him on my shoulders to bounce around as we "flew" down the trails and back to the group of people. He thought that was a blast.

We turned back shortly after and this time as we passed the hotdog tents and the people gratefully passing their surplus of hotdogs onto us (Yum!!!) a couple of gals offered to take a picture of us.

We went back to the car, packed ourselves back up and went back to Sarah's place where she fed us dinner.

We ended the afternoon watching Greg open his presents from his Uncle Pat and Aunt Katherine, Aunt Jane and Uncle Jason, Jason's Mom Judy, and my Mom.

The boys played together wonderfully.

And finally it was time for us all to go home and have a nice long nap. It was a really good time and I'm glad we got to spend so much time with everyone and hang out for so long with Sarah and Wayne.