Monday, December 21, 2009

Through Christmas!

We made it to Thursday with almost no contractions, exactly what everyone was excited to see. So they extended their hopeful deadline; make it to 36 weeks and we'll have the baby then. Well 36 weeks is through Christmas. Walter and I blanched inside. It was totally doable but in the extremely traditional nature of the Christmas Holiday it was shocking to think I would be confined to a hospital bed and Walter lovingly next to me on a cot. Sarah sweetly said they could come in the morning and bring me my stocking and a cinnamon roll. I still cried silently about it. I had been looking forward to Padon opening his Toy Story toys in my parent's living room with an extreme anticipation. I was trying really hard to not be selfish but the tears kept coming.

1 comment:

Dear Baby said...

Of course they did. I cried when I couldn't spend Halloween with Greg 2 years ago and that wasn't even Christmas! I know the living room makes a more romantic setting but well make the hospital work.
And it will only be for this one christmas.