Monday, December 21, 2009

Tributaline and movies, movies, movies...

Moving into week two of the hospital stay I'm still going strong but gradually getting bummed. It's hard to have your food messed up on a regular basis (foods tasty, service not so much) have the same questions asked of you again and again, be woken up late at night to fix the baby monitor and sometimes administer more Tributaline (stops the contractions), and to know that not only will we miss Christmas and Padon but that Dr. Graham keeps inferring we will induce Sophia on or close to Christmas. I'm just really not ok with that. It's pretty freak'n awesome to have your own holiday and you just can't mix it with Christmas. We're going to sit down with Dr. Graham, hopefully tomorrow, and a get an actual confirmation on an induction date. As much as he jokes about having Sophia on Christmas he can't really think that that would be a great thing for her. It's a romantic idea, but no.

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