So on Saturday I was standing in the kitchen making dinner and was wowed by the amount of pressure Sophia could put on my hip bones with her head. As the minutes went by my abdomen and back were killing me but at just about 34 weeks and 7 weeks from the due date I thought this must be Braxton Hicks contractions. I ended up on the couch breathing through the contractions, thinking if this was what the next 7 weeks were going to be like I was going to be miserable. Gradually the contractions petered away and I didn't think any more about it.
On Sunday I went online to look up preterm labor and low and behold of the 7 things they had to say look out for I had a yes for 5 of them, but I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday so I just held out until then.
Tuesday at 12 I went to my 34 week appointment and told them how I had felt on Saturday and they decided maybe it would be wise to take a look and see what was going on. Well what was going on was I was 4cm dilated and was fully effaced (meaning there wasn't much holding this baby back). Dr. Graham was surprised and he is a hard man to surprise. He was really concerned and sent me, pronto, over to Overlake Hospital to get a shot to jump start Sophia's lung development and to strengthen her blood vessels in the event she was born prematurely. Dr. Graham and the nurses made me promise if I had the slightest contraction I would come back to the office and that I would go back to Overlake at noon on Wednesday to get the second preemie shot. I went back to work, gave a few people a heads up, including my boss, and two hours later was feeling the back contractions again. A wonderful friend and co-worker, Barbara, drove me back to Dr. Graham and I was admitted to Overlake Hospital.
This whole time I had been having conversations with Walter about what was going on and what my current status was. Worried, nerves frazzled, and probably a little scared Walter was a model of efficiency as he packed clothes for me, Padon, and grabbed necessary numbers to call family and friends.
In the hospital they gave me Terbutaline to slow if not stop the contractions while the nursery prepared itself and our room for a preemie. I continued to contract every 3-6 minutes through the night but we made it to midnight when they could give me the second preemie shot, and I swear the whole staff sighed with relief. The hope became I would make it three more days.
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