Padon again was great and the people in our group that were unable to make it to Honey War were able to fawn all over him while Walter put up our tent and put away out camping gear.
Katelyn is holding Padon in the picture and she has a little girl, Ally (6 yrs old), who is such a lover of babies that she boasts owning over 100 baby dolls at home. Needless to say she couldn't wait to see and hold Padon. I was totally cool with it because she might have died from the torture of not getting to fawn over and play mother to Padon and she always is a pleasure to have in camp. She was very gentle and worked hard at holding Padon's 12 lb (?) weight corretly, supporting his head the best she could in my camping chair. After our camping trip the whole group went to Red Robin where Ally had to sit by Padon and I swear Padon is going to marry Ally when he grows up because he adores her. He laughed and smiled at her the whole time we were in the resturant and all she had to do was stick a piece of lettace in her mouth. I don't know what it was but he couldn't get enough of her and woulnd't look at anyone else.
Saturday night I sat with the kids during children's bardic and while I didn't participate it was cool to think that Padon was attending his first children's bardic.
Children's bardic starts at 8:00pm and consists of some "period" children songs, and the kids telling stories and singing songs they have heard or made up. It lasts an hour and then they have to go to bed so we can have our own bardic circle which usually includes alcohol and lots of bawdy songs; hence the need for the kids to go to bed.
Walter fought again in Warren War and had a blast. The idea behind Warren War is that our Barony, Aquaterra (Snohomish County), does not want to reclaim land that the Barony of Lionsgate and Shire of Shittumwoode (Watcom County) also do not want to relaim, but have had to maintain. Whom ever looses has to take responsability for the land (can't remember what it is called) until the following year when we all battle it out again. (There is more to this story, I just can't find the run down for it.) For the past two years Aquattera has won hands down and Shittimwoode has had to keep the land. We kicked butt again this year and won all the war senarios but lost almost all the "small stuff" as one of our household dubbed it (Siege Cooking, Archery, Throwing Weapons, and some drinking game I have forgotten the name of). Each "contest" however is worth a war point and at Court the points are added up and the Baron and Baroness from both Baronies announces the winner and hands out all kinds of prices for all the contests. Because Aquattera had done so poorly in the other contests, regardless of the fact that we won all the war senarios, the Barony of Lionsgate won and we now have to take responsability for the unwanted land.Walter felt like he had done some of his best fighting, though, and came away feeling really good. He is the guy on the right hand side and Jason, his friend, is on the left. Jason had helped him remake his armor which had been all stainless steel and weighed roughly 80 lbs. Now it is 3/4 heavy leather and 1/4 stainless steel, including his helm. I think this had a lot to do with his success as he couldn't get over the amount of mobility he regained now that his armor wasn't pinching him and weighing him down.
Roadie wasn't as good as she was at Honey War. She started out good but then during the night, on Saturday, she caught wind of the four dogs that had gotten away from their camp and who had been coming and going all night long looking for garbage to get into and she wouldn't behave after that. When I let her out to go to the bathroom she wouldn't come when called and ran off and peed in the middle of someones encampment. I was so pissed and she knew it. She came running back to our camp when I told her to come and hid in our tent. I so wanted to find those other dog owners and give them a talking to. Rumor was they all came from the same camp.
Next weekend we travel back down to Randle for September Crown.
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