My very fabulous and extraordinary friend, Erin, threw me a fabulous baby shower on the 20th of May. Ton's of pictures were taken but until recently I hadn't seen any of them.
That'll teach me not to bring a camera....
Looking back over them brings great memories of all the wonderful people that were able to come and the good time that we had.
Erin put out such a spread of delicious food: Fresh enormous strawberries, her mom made a delicious walnut cake (yumm just thinking about it), asparagus, cheese and mushroom quiche, and other wonderful things I can't remember...
Milred, Barbara, Mom, Me, Jane, Sarah
The party also made for a wonderful opportunity to get an updated picture of myself and my sisters, together.
I can't believe how awesome everyone was and Walter and I were given everything we could possibly need for Padon. We have yet to buy him clothes and have only purchased a couple things, making him, so far, a pretty cheap baby.
My friends and family are so awesome, I just love'm!
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