The fourth of July came so fast! It was great to see the family again but at the same time it was a reminder to me of how close I was to having to go back to work. I was given 6 weeks off through our short term disabiliy at work and was obligated to be back to work by the 16th of July. It was such a depressing thought that I would have to go back to getting up at 4am and my two hour commute (one way), not to mention business dress attire, no nose piercing, and a job that I had been feeling very unsatisfied in for over a year. *Sigh*
The 4th of July party at my Mom's house, though, is always a good time and involves all the neighbors around the lake, that my Mom's house sits on, setting off a ton of fireworks for a spectacular and free show for us. It was so much fun to dress Padon for the 4th and I wish I had gotten a better picture. He arrived to the party in a 4th of July onesie that his Aunt Sarah had bought for him, navy blue pants, red and white stripped socks, and a red and white stripped hat. He looked so awesome.

He also brought a bit of Colic with him, however, and so in an attempt to get one good picture before his face cumbled into grimaces of painful gassy rumbles I changed him quickly into his swimming shorts (hey we were at a lake) and the hat and booties his Great (can you believe it?) Aunt Mildred gave him. I really wanted to be able to show her how cute he looked since her office gave her flak about the hat. I think it is too cute.

I laugh at this picture every time I look at it. Those little froggy legs are too funny.
It was amazing again to see the difference in Padon and Gregory. Sarah and I hung out and swapped our baby stories while everyone hung out in the back yard, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boating, munching on the good eats, and just having a good time.

We eventually laid the babes down together in the pack-n-play and it made for such a cute picture.

I have to say that babies and fireworks are amazing! Last year I ended up spending a good portion of time in the house because the dog decided that she had had enough of the explosions. It really was a surprise because she had been attending SCA events since she was 6 months old and had become accustomed to the loud sounds created by shields crashing together which can be really loud. I fully intended to have to hang out in the house again with the baby and dog but as the neighbors discharged their cannon for the 4th time (yes canon and the concusion from the blast was incredible) I started to wonder if maybe the doctor had been wrong and my wee bean was deaf. He didn't jump or flinch a single time. I did however! OMG! At one point I was holding Padon and one of the Cannons went off. I jumped and squeezed him to me in a protective bear hug. Startled I realized I had reacted in such a way that if continued in the future I would teach him to be afraid of big noises. So I looked into his face and with the biggest smile and happy voice I could muster said "Wow! Wasn't that Fun?!" I could have killed the neighbors but at the same time they didn't ask me to bring my baby and there has been a cannon every year.
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