We again made it out to Folk Life this year! It isn't as much fun as is used to be 10 years ago or so, but it still
satisfies that crafty need and is always a good time. Nick, who has been going with me every year for years, again met up with us and braved the cold, threatening to be rainy, weather. So far the spring and early summer was not living up to last years expectations and it was too bad it couldn't have been sunnier. It did, however, greatly lessen the number of people that were there in the morning and since we got there when the festival started we had ample opportunities to just stroll and drool and wish and want.

The day before I had gone to Target to get birthday presents for
Padon's birthday and in Target's dollar section they had umbrellas! I totally couldn't pass up such a sweet deal and Walter and I surprised
Padon with the umbrella as it started to
drizzel. Nick and Walter equally felt the umbrella was totally gay, and a girls umbrella. Jane and Jason joined us soon after the presenting of the umbrella and while Jason tried to take a non-
commital stance he too agreed the umbrella was a girl's umbrella while Jane took my side on how the umbrella was blue with sharks on it and therefor was a boys umbrella. In either case
Padon LOVED it. He showed anyone who would look in his general direction and he relished opening it and holding it close. It was a "bubble" style umbrella so he could hold it over his head and look through. People passing by thought he was beyond adorable, especially with the turtle backpack meant for carrying his blanket.
Padon was taken with the entertainers at the Mural Stage and wasn't the only one impressed by the knee, shoe, and stick slapping
Scandinavian dancers.

We wandered around the Seattle Center eatting good eats (french fry loaves and strawberry shortcake). We stopped by the Seattle Center Fountain to take a rest and Padon sat down with his Puppy back pack whispering to it and pointing out to it the fountain so it could see too. I love the developing "friends" he has. He does the same thing with his blanket now which is so cute.
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