Oh, I have to blog about this because it is too precious to forget and I will if I don't write it down.
Some where or maybe even more than once Padon has noticed it has gotten hard for me to get in and out of bed, and to get up out of a soft chair like the couch and bless his little heart he tries to help me get up. He comes over quickly when I am starting to get off the bed (usually after changing out of dress clothes to regular everyday clothes after work) and grabs me around the leg or with a hand on each hip, my middle and with over exaggerated grunting attempts to lift me up/ help me up. Sometimes I am already standing and he will run over with an "Oh!" and then grab me around my hips and again make a lifting motion with a helpful grunt added in. This has been followed by a smaking of his hands, like "job well done", and a important "there!" motion of his head and body as he turns away. I was shocked out of my stripped socks the first time he did it and am so incredibly touched everytime he does. I may not be able to get a kiss out of him but he loves me in so many other wonderful and surprising ways.
I also don't want to forget that: blanket in 2 1/2 year old Padon speak is "gangkie" and a motorcycle was, until recently, "Gak, gak, gak, gak" in quick succession. Now I believe it is just "zoom!" All animals and items have come with a descriptive sound word instead of an actual noun name; "Mooo!" for cows and "MUH-huhuhmm" for horses, for example. I don't want to forget that Monkey Cheese means Macaroni and Cheese and that Niplets are nipples.
Adorable! You need to stage one of these events so Walter can catch a video of it on the camera. Hysterical. I can even see him shaking his head with self satisfaction. What a wonderful sweet little boy you have. He must have learned this from his daddy.
Maybe he did, that is a good point. What a nice family I have.
I love this. He is so enormously scrumptious.
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