Awe, the power of television. We don't get channels that have things like Sesame Street and PBS type stuff so we go through a smackeral of movies such as Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc., Winnie the Pooh's Grand Adventure, and Toy Story. Currently Toy Story and Monster's Inc. top the favorites and I love the dead stare they inflict when we put them on. It's just too funny. They often allow for a short reprieve to check email, make dinner, or take a personal moment.
This is what a clean house looks like. I didn't know. You don't see these in my neighborhood. That isn't exactly true. You don't see them in my house. That is more accurate. (wink)
A clean house? Thank you for thinking our house was clean when you were looking at an 8th of it in the picture; you're so sweek (wink'n back at-cha). Note the sweet couch bumper I made. That seriously helps with the quick living room sweep of small and easily swept under the couch toys. There are toys stashed on the other side of the bumper though, I'm sure.
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