I took my birthday off from work and all I wanted to do was go to the Pacific Science Center with Walter and Padon. Unbeknownst to me Walter had never been and it turned out to be an absolutely fantastic and incredibly fun day!
3/4th of the stuff there was the same stuff that was there when I was little. It was so much fun running around going to Walter, "Oh you have to try this!", and "wait until you see this!", and "I bet you can't do this!" Padon was amazed at all the stuff around him to touch (he found every single electrical socket) and it was so much fun to be able to put him down and let him go and explore. We started out in the bug village which I had never been able to spend a long time in so it was really facinating to read all the stuff and really look at the bugs.

There hadn't been a butterfly exhibit when I was little so I was very eager to go in and see what it was like. It was really neat but trying not to step on the butterflies on the ground drinking moisture from the sidewalk while keeping Padon from picking flowers and eatting butterflies I lost a little of the awe but still walked away thinking it was amazing.

As we made our way out of the bug exhibit they had this great box with mirrors in it so you could see yourself as a bug when you stuck your head in the hole. It didn't work out so well for Padon and I when Walter took our picture but Walter came out great!

I was so excited to go the the PCS mostly because I was dying to take Padon to the Just for Tots section of the center and immediately he was in his element. I loved they new exactly what to provide to make him light up and be really intrigued.

All three of us played in the water,

and the bubble pool wand was more than Padon could imagine. He wouldn't let it go and it went all over the place with him.

We played in all the rooms as much as we could before we had to run out and refill the parking meter again (we were there for 6 gloreous hours). It was raining but it didn't stop us from playing with the water feature outside. The stone ball below weighs 5 tons but with a tiny bit of water and umph Walter was able to get it spinning. It was so cool.

I lifted Padon up so he could shoot the water at the targets and he was so stoked about pumping it up and down.

We were a little soggy in the end but had so much fun. We got back inside the center in time for them to tell us that it was closing and we had to leave. It was a bummer but Walter had had a really good time too and we looked forward to coming back again. Padon passed out cold right away having missed all his naps and we went to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Padon slept through the whole thing letting Walter and I have a lesuirely dinner without pulling all the stuff on the table off and to one side of the table, repeatedly picking up silverware and catching flying food. It really was one of the best birthday's I have ever had. We had such a good time.
1 comment:
I'm glad you had such a good time. That's a great collection of pictures!
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