Over the weekend at Autumn War I handed Padon a slice of Watermelon and he happily munched away at its sweet core until he had had his fill and it was flung to the side (yeah still working on the flinging). And again in the car I passed off two sweet rolls to him to hold him over until we got home. He munched and crammed those sweet rolls into his mouth and I didn't have to worry about him a bit! Woohoo!
That last one is a great picture!
Greg still flings. It is getting worse actually. I look at him when he is finishing his sippy cup and say, "don't trow it" with my eyebrows raised and he looks at me, tucks his chin and waits, wait, waits, and tosses it. Across the minivan, off the table, off the high chair, across the room... I don't know how long this will take to move past.
And he has just started to figure out that he can take a bit of something with out just shoving the entire thing in his mouth. I gave him half a bannana and looked back to see that he was eating it bugs bunny style, ramming the whole thing in and chewing to make room. Fortunately it was a soft enough food that he didn't choke himself.
The brake thru moment was an english muffin. Not flexible enough to crame into his mouth. He took baby sized bites until he ate the whole thing.
It is amazing how easily I am impressed.
The other night Walter sat Padon down for dinner and after three hotdog pieces he flung a hotdog piece. Our rule of thumb is if you throw food you loose it, so, Walter took the hotdogs away. Padon played for a little bit but was obviously still hungry and so Walter put him back in the high chair. Where Padon had one bite and flung a hot dog. It had been a really long and whiny day so Walter took the hotdog away, changed Padon's diapers and put him in pajamas, and put him to bed. Hungry. He cried for about 20 minutes and a little off and on till about 9pm and then went to sleep for the night. We have been gesturing at him a Warren sign language that means "all done?" and he does it now with a shake of his head. His cup and food still gets thrown but going to bed hungry made an impact and he is better about not throwing his food and cup.
It's amazing how wasted food frustrates me so.
Wasted food? Benny will never let that happen. (wink) I know what you mean. I feel that way about the milk that he enjoys pouring out of his cup. When it's gone, it's gone. I have to go to the store for more milk so I don't like him to waste that the most. The food I scoop back up and put in a container and store in the fridge.
I am too soft to let my baby go hungry. I was just starting to write that he doesn't understand consciences yet but I think he does.
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