So Padon was sitting with me at the dinning room table while he was eating his lunch and I was working on my current book illustration and per a comment he made we started talking about why I was the boss of him and Pia. I then tried to reaffirm that, that was why he was the boss of blanket, to make sure that blanket didn't get in trouble or hurt. Too which Padon replied that Blanket was in trouble because he got in Padon's face and Padon said "you cuss'n me, are you cuss'n me?!" and Blanket kept getting in his face and so he was in big trouble under the pillows on the couch. I was so shocked at this story that I made him tell it to me three times, each time with the same about of emphasis and emotion.
This was so funny Walter and I had to call Sarah with the intention that Padon would talk to Greg and tell him about his cuss'n blanket. Sarah wasn't home, though, so we left a message instead. Later she called to play the message back to us and to say that it was really funny but that she couldn't really understand what Padon was saying. I interpreted the toddler speak and she thought it was so funny.
It did make me think a bit about where he might have gotten the idea to say "are you cuss'n me?!" and it only took a couple minutes; The Incredible Fantastic Mr. Fox movie, that's where. I think that movie is great and one of the things that just cracks me up is the amount of swearing in the movie only where ever there would be a swear word they substitute it for "cuss". At one point the fox gets in an argument with his badger lawyer over how he shouldn't buy a tree house in very close proximity to three farmers. The argument escalates until the badger says "The cuss you will buy the house!" and the Fox turns and says "Are you cuss'n me?!" and it goes from there. I didn't give Padon enough credit to think that he wouldn't take that conversation to memory. Ah, almost 4 year olds, you gotta lov'em!