Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mov'n Onto Solids

- Padon has always been a great eater and at 5 months we were moving him onto baby food mixed with his formula. With his 7 month check up we have been given the go head by his pediatrician to give him just the baby food (bottle of formula on the side) and this has been a fun transition. It has opened up the world towards the arena of tasty eats and so far he has done pretty well with it. He already wants to put everything into his mouth and little by little he is working on how food feels in his mouth that doesn't slide down like a baby milk shake. Aside from the baby food I have made him from yams, sweet potatoes, bananas, green peas, sweet peas, butter nut squash, apples, and carrots this ok to eat solids has led to a wonderful sampling of things like chocolate moose (compliments of my Mom), mashed potatoes, breaded chicken (just gummed), cucumbers (again gummed), couple pieces of pasta, an anchovie stuffed olive (all juice sucked out of until like a little mummified olive), a Sweet Pea (gummed again), and two green beans covered in cream of mushroom soup from a green bean casserole .

He only has two teeth so we have to be careful in what we give him and of course keep a very close eye on him so he doesn't choke but so far he has been a champ and we have found that the only thing he really seems to dislike is apples. Strange, of all the things he has eatten...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What the?!...

So my Mom sent the craziest email today with ads from the 50's. And I'm sure I could find more of these but from her email I just thought these were the most shocking and funny. I'm so glad I grew up in the 80's and 90's...

I hope you can blow this one up but if you can't the article summaries that if you are having trouble with getting your husband to be romantic with you that it may be your personal hygeine and that the only way to correct that would be to douche with Lysol. Yep you read correctly. Are your legs crossed right now? Mine are!

In all my job searching I never thought to look up in the Lard Information Council.

~Actually I just looked them up and found out this add is a spoof from the British humour magazine Viz. They produced it as a T-shirt design. Too Funny~

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Zoo Lights at the Point Defiance Zoo

Sarah and I had made plans to get together at the very end of December to make baby food but then I had already made too much for Padon and Gregory was still not too keen on making the transition away from breast milk and formula so we opted out and Sarah offered up the fantastic idea of going to the Point Defiance Zoo for their annual light show instead. And what a great idea it was.
We bundled up the babies, grabbed our strollers, and made our way to see just what the zoo had to offer in their spectacular light show.

Padon pretty much started to cry when he hit the cold night air but when we started passing people he became more interested on what was going on around him then how cold his cheeks were and the fact he had socks on his hands.

Greg was awesome and just checked out all that there was to see around him.

Right away the lights were spectacular. It must have taken a serious team of people to weave the lights in and out of the foliage and to create the animated light shows of orangutans swinging through trees, penguins sliding down icy hills, and kangaroo's joeys hopping by.

We tried to take our pictures in front of the lights and while the mass of color, light, and dark made them a little blurry it still made some really nice pictures.
It was really cool that they left some of the exhibits open even though signs said the zoo was closed for the animals. We even accidentally went backward through an exhibit and got to see the animals in a place where strollers weren't allowed.

There were massive sharks and tuna swimming by a huge floor to ceiling glass aquarium and at first Padon was interested in the sharks that were showing their teeth but soon he was mesmerized by the reflection of the water on the sand and he wouldn't look anywhere else. We moved onto other rooms and found the petting zoo was still open to visitors. Rightly so the goats were only interested in the free food you could by by the handful for $.25 and no longer were interested in being pet.

Padon looked down on them much in the same way he looks at Roadie and I thought briefly about taking off his sock so he could pet the goat, but it was obvious to me that the goat had reached his threshold for petting for the day and really didn't want anything more than free hand outs. Knowing from my volunteering days at the Woodland Park Zoo that their heads are like concrete blocks I chose to be a responsible parent and I didn't put my baby eye to eye with the grumpy goat just to pet it.

It was too bad there wasn't more to see but my bean was over tired and by the time we found the car (yes I lost it) and we got the babies in the car they were hungry and not in the mood for anything other than a bottle and bed. Sarah was great and used her fab mom skills to feed both babies while we made our way back to her house.

It was good times and would be fun to do again. If not just to go to the zoo. I love the zoo.

More Fabulous Christmas Pictures

Family members were snap'n pictures all Christmas and often during times when I wasn't able to grab mine so it has been great to get some of them back to see how they turned out.

Stockings were hung beautifully

My Parents Hosted Our Huge Family

Very Importantly Christmas Sox Were Worn on Christmas Day

Jesus Visited

Gifts Were Unwrapped

Even For The Dogs (Thank you Sarah!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What a Great Dad

Walter had met Sarah and Wayne and I at Bellevue Square to get the Santa pictures taken for Padon and Gregory and I had completely forgotten that they took pictures of Walter and Padon. Walter came prepared for a day of shopping and hung out with Sarah and Wayne as the three of them shopped through the mall. He even got an opportunity to change Padon's diaper in public for the first time at the Children's Play area. He found it a tense and embarrassing experience but with Sarah rooting him on and tiny tots examining his skills he was able to change Padon's diaper with no problem.